China issues statement on border clash, proving Indian troops were fully responsible

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson on Wednesday issued a statement on the recent China-India border clash, providing three key points that prove responsibility does not lie with the Chinese side.

Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of China’s Foreign Ministry, said on Wednesday that the rights and wrongs of the conflict are clear and that Indian border troops should bear full responsibility for the clash.

First, Indian border troops were the first to illegally cross the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

The Galwan Valley is located on the Chinese side of the LAC in the west section of the China-India boundary. For many years, Chinese border troops have been patrolling and on duty there.

Since April this year, Indian border troops have been building roads and bridges at the LAC in the Galwan Valley. China has lodged representations and protests on multiple occasions. In the early morning of May 6, Indian border troops crossed the LAC by night, trespassing into China’s territory. They deliberately made provocations and Chinese border troops were compelled to take necessary measures to strengthen management and control in the border areas.

Second, India violated the agreement and made provocations first.

Under China’s diplomatic representations and military pressure, India agreed to withdraw their personnel who crossed the LAC and demolish the new facilities, and they have done so. On June 6, border troops of both countries held a commander-level meeting and reached consensus on easing the situation.

The Indian side promised they would not cross the estuary of the Galwan River to patrol and build facilities, and the two sides agreed to set up observation posts on both sides of the Galwan River. However, Indian border troops breached the agreement and unreasonably demanded the Chinese side demolish the observation posts and once again crossed the LAC, triggering a brawl.

Third, India was the first to breach international norms to launch attacks. On the evening of June 15, India’s front-line troops, in violation of the agreement reached at the commander-level meeting, once again crossed the LAC in deliberate provocation and violently attacked the Chinese officers and soldiers who went there to negotiate, thus triggering fierce physical fight and causing casualties.

The acts of the Indian army have seriously undermined the stability of the border areas, threatened the lives of Chinese personnel, violated the agreements reached between the two countries on the border issue, and breached the basic norms governing international relations.

Based on the consensus reached during a phone conversation between State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Indian External Affairs Minister Jaishankar on June 17, the two sides agreed to handle the severe situation of the Galwan Valley calmly, and to abide by the agreement reached during the commander-level meeting to ease tensions.

From June 22 to 23, a second commander-level meeting was held and both sides agreed to take necessary measures to de-escalate the tensions and promote peace and stability.

“We hope the Indian side will abide by the consensus the two countries have reached, and that India can work with China to take real actions to safeguard regional peace and stability”, Zhao said.

Junction of Galwan River and Shyok River


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