Chinese medical team ends mission to help fight against COVID-19 in Palestine

A Chinese medical expert team has concluded a mission to support Palestine’s fight against COVID-19.

On Tuesday, the team held a meeting with Palestinian health officials in the Gaza Strip via video conference at the Palestinian Health Ministry in Ramallah, over the situation of the pandemic in the coastal enclave.

Head of Palestinian Health Ministry’s Preventive Medicine Department in the Gaza Strip Majdi Dheir briefed the Chinese team on the anti-coronavirus measures taken in Gaza, including imposing quarantine and protection protocols, and carrying out multiple tests.

The total cases of COVID-19 in Gaza have reached 72, including 45 recoveries and one death.

Also on Tuesday, head of the government-run Palestine Medical Complex (PMC) Ahmed Bitawi and head of the Chinese medical team Hu Peng signed a framework agreement on telemedicine cooperation between the PMC in Ramallah and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University.

Meanwhile, at a farewell ceremony held for the Chinese medical team in Ramallah, Palestinian Health Minister Mai al-Kaila expressed high appreciation for the Chinese experts’ visit to Palestine.

“This visit has been successful by all measures, especially on the medical side. The delegation held various meetings, visits and tours to the quarantine and isolation centers in Ramallah, Bethlehem and Turmosaya, in addition to an exchange of viewpoints on epidemiology and preventive and treatment protocols,” said al-Kaila.

Head of the Palestinian National Institute of Public Health, which is run by the World Health Organization (WHO), Rand Salman said the Chinese medical team’s mission has enriched the Palestinian experience in fighting COVID-19.

For his part, Guo Wei, director of the Office of the People’s Republic of China to the State of Palestine, said that the cooperation between China and Palestine in the health sector will continue through various forms after this visit.

The team, which arrived in Palestine on June 10, was put together by China’s National Health Commission with the members selected by the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission.

Prior to this visit, China had sent medical supplies to Palestine and organized several meetings between Palestinian and Chinese medical experts via video conferences.

On Tuesday, Palestine announced that 11 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed, bringing the total number of infection cases up to 700.

Members of a Chinese medical team attend a farewell ceremony held for them in the West Bank city of Ramallah, June 16, 2020. The Chinese medical expert team has concluded a mission to support Palestine’s fight against COVID-19. At a farewell ceremony, Palestinian Health Minister Mai al-Kaila expressed high appreciation for the Chinese experts’ visit to Palestine. The team, which arrived in Palestine on June 10, was put together by China’s National Health Commission with the members selected by the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission. (Photo by Ayman Nobani/Xinhua)


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