At least 20 Indian troops killed and 19 injured in clash with Chinese forces in Ladhakh

At least 20 Indian troops killed and 19 injured in clash with Chinese forces in Ladhakh



The India has increased the army after the conflict in Daulatbeg Oldi Road, near Galwanghati Pass. India has claimed Figure 1 to 4, and to secure that region India has deployed 81 brigades, 16 BR, 12 Asam & 2 Dogra platoon in the front line in those zones. The Indian armies still deployed in that region.

The conflict on 15 June with Chinese army 20 Indian soldiers has dies and other 19 soldiers has injured among them 7 are serious and 12 other are normal, all the armies are 81 brigade of India. The 81 Brigade Indian soldeirs, 16 BR, 12 Asam & 2 Dogra are standby position in that region, and on the base of above frontline, the 3-1 GR, 4-9 GR, and 6 Maha-regiment has been deployed.

Source said: 3-1 GR, and 4-9 GR has deployed as a standby position in Kinnor and Lahol region. And ordered to deployed more soldiers in those region to the Army Headquarters, and the Army Headquarters will send the demanded soldiers in those area today or tomorrow. (File Photo)


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