Fighting the virus the priority: Russian Ambassador to China

Fighting the virus the priority: Russian Ambassador to China

Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov Photo: Artem Ivanov/TASS

By Xie Wenting

While backing the proposal to identify the zoonotic source of the coronavirus, the Russian Ambassador to China told the Global Times on Wednesday that the main task at this moment is to try everything to win the battle against the coronavirus.

“We need to figure out the origins of the coronavirus and its transmission route, but this should not be the main task now. The main task is to do what we can to win the battle against the virus,” Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov told the Global Times on Wednesday at an online press conference, in response to why Russia joined the countries to adopt the resolution at the World Health Assembly.

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech via video link on Monday in Beijing at the opening of the 73rd World Health Assembly that China supports the idea of a comprehensive review of the global response to COVID-19 after it is brought under control to sum up the experience and address deficiencies. “This work should be based on science and professionalism, led by WHO and conducted in an objective and impartial manner,” Xi said, Xinhua reported.

The diplomat said he agrees with China and is prepared to work with most countries in the world to do the virus source research.

“Most cases in Russia did not come from the East, but from Europe. From this we can see the coronavirus is indeed a global issue,” he said.

China and Russia have seen closer cooperation amid the coronavirus outbreak. But the close ties may draw dissatisfaction from other countries, including the US.

On Friday, US President Donald Trump said his country was developing a “super-duper missile” to beat out Russia and China, the Guardian reported.

Denisov told the Global Times it’s an old US tactic and a form of political intimidation. “But neither China nor Russia will be intimidated by such a threat. In fact, the US is facing great difficulties both in its handling of the coronavirus and its economy,” he said.

Russia and the US are military powers. Russia has been developing missiles since 1960 and owns advanced technology. Since the US withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty with Russia in 2019, things got complicated, the diplomat said.

He noted that Russia will continue to develop its defense system.

As the annual sessions of China’s national legislature and the top political advisory body will be convened on Thursday and Friday, Denisov said that the convening of the two sessions would show the world that China has gradually walked out from the shadow of the epidemic and social and political life has gradually returned to normal.

Denisov will participate in the opening ceremonies of the two sessions. He told media that he personally pays attention to topics related to social and economic development and the government’s economic forecast from now to 2022.

Global Times


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