China not using pandemic to pursue global leadership: CPPCC session spokesperson

Photo taken on April 23, 2020 shows the medical supplies donated by China in Kabul, Afghanistan. Photo:Xinhua


Some US politicians out of political purposes have hyped that the novel coronavirus came from China to shift the blame due to ideological bias, and their attempts are doomed to fail, said Guo Weimin, spokesperson of the third annual session of the 13th  Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee at a press conference on Wednesday.

The virus does not have nationalities and the international community should work together at this crucial juncture to fight against the virus, he said.

China has been making efforts in aiding other countries in fighting against the pandemic and will carry on its cooperation with the international community. Those who accused China of using the pandemic to pursue global leadership are not only narrow-minded but also completely wrong, Guo added.

China’s most important political event, the National People’s Congress (NPC), which is the country’s top legislature, and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the top political advisory body, are scheduled to kick off on Friday and Thursday, respectively.

Guo made the remarks in response to a Reuters question that some countries are “angry with China” as they think the coronavirus came from China and some complained about the quality of Chinese medical supplies.

“The international community agrees and recognizes China’s anti-epidemic measures and efforts. I don’t agree with your judgment and harsh criticism on China’s roles in the COVID-19 pandemic, including medical aid supplies and claims of virus emerging from here,” Guo said.

As for the quality of the made-in-China medical supplies, Guo said China has exported a large quantity of medical supplies, but only a few of those reportedly had problems. The difference in quality standards and the improper use of the products are the reasons behind the “low quality” claims, Guo said, noting that the Chinese government has adopted zero-tolerance policy against unqualified medical supplies and taken measures to regulate exports.

Global Times


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