Indian army defeating war with China had requested Nepal for temporary shelter in Kalapani: Princess Purnika Shah

Indian army defeating war with China had requested Nepal for temporary shelter in Kalapani: Princess Purnika Shah


In 2032 BS the Survey Team had drafted Nepal’s map. The survey team was confused on whether to include the Limpiyuadhara area in the map or not. The issue was reached to the Royal Palace. Respecting the understanding for  not including the Limpiyuadhara area until final report of the study team on origin of the Mahakali River, the Palace asked to complete the map without including the disputed territory. The thick green mark in the map was thus ended without covering the disputed area.



Princess Purnika Shah, grand daughter of King Gyanendra, has disclosed the fact that the late King Mahendra in 1962, when the Indian army was returning after defeating war with China, had given temporary shelter to them in Kalapani.

“Upon the request of the Indian army, the late King Mahendra had given temporary shelter to the Indian force in Kalapani” Princess Purnika has written. Detail text of her write-up in vernacular language has been appeared in Sanghu online portal.

“By 1968, the late King had already removed 17 Indian military camps from Nepali territory. When asked to remove the camp in Kalapani, the Indian side created dispute on the territory on the base of the Sugauli Treaty. Then, the disputed issue on Kalapani was handed over to a study team with an agreement for not including the disputed area by both the countries in their respective political maps until finalization of the dispute”, she has written.

“This is why, Lipiyuadhara was not included in Nepal’s old map”, she has remarked.

Princess Purnika has further explained that in 1971, King Mahendra passed away and Crown Prince Birendra ascended to the throne. It was the Royal Institution’s responsibility to address border disputes including Kalapani dispute, however, the movement in 1989 introduced multiparty in the country by empowering political parties and making the Royal Institution powerless. The Royal Institution was thus unable to solve the border disputes including Kalapani.

Whom the study team submitted the report, the Royal Institution is still unaware, she has disclosed.

Following the domestic as well as foreign conspiracy the Royal Palace bloodbath took place inviting republicanism ending existence of the Royal Institution. After 12 years of introduction of republicanism by sidelining the Royal Institution India dared to unveil the political map by including the Kalapani territory, she has explained.

She has further stated that the Royal Institution has never missed to protect nation’s border and the Institution will have love with this country forever!

Although, it is said that the Royal Institution ruled the nation for 250 years, in reality, besides some times after King Mahendra assumed executive power, the Royal Institution was unable to rule the nation actively.

“The era of the King’s direct rule is considered as the golden era of the country when industries were established and roads were constructed,” she has remarked.

Out of them, some industries are still running, most of them have already been disposed by the political parties, she has remarked.

“The country has not been destroyed by the Royal Institution and the Institution should not be blamed for creating border disputes,” the Princess has urged.

Reproduced from People’s News Monitoring Service


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