Indian hegemony continues, constructs road via Nepali territory


Kathmandu, 9 May: India has constructed a road to Tibet, China via Nepali territory in Darchula.

The road from Pithuragadh in UP, India linking Kailash, Mansorobar in Tibet has passed through Lippulekh, Nepali soil.

International border expert Buddhinarayan Sharestha said that the road passes through Nepali territory, Kantipur daily reports.

Lippulekh is 100 percent Nepali territory, said Shrestha.

“Gunji, Lippulekh in Darchula are the Nepali territory and construction of the road in Nepali territory one-sidedly by India is wrong”, he said.

Shrestha urged the Nepal government to resolve all border disputes  including the present issue through diplomatic channel.

Former foreign secretary Madhuraman Acharya said that Nepal should send  ‘protest note” immediately to India.

“Construction of road in other country’s territory is a mistake,” he said.

“India can do anything across the Mahakali river but not in the other side of the river, which is Nepali territory,” he said.

“None of the international laws allow such a construction,” he said.

Acharya said that earlier, India published her political map by including the Nepali territory and now when the nation is suffering from COVID-19 pandemic, to construct road in the territory is wrong”.

In accordance to the Sugauli Treaty in 1816, Mahakali River is the border river between the two countries and Limpiuadhara is the point of origin of the Mahakali River, Acharya clarified.

India has illegally occupied a large portion of Nepali territory in Kalapani for a long time, Acharya said.

When Indian defence minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated the road, the incident was surfaced, however, the Nepal government is unaware about the construction of the road.

The Nepali officials are not formally informed about construction of the road.

Spokesman in the Foreign Ministry, Bharatraj Poudyal said that he would give reaction only after knowing the fact.

Immediately after India published its political map by including Kalapani territory, Nepal had sent a protest note and India had responded the note saying to resolve the issue through talks. However, India  didn’t fix the date for talks. The secretariat level talks have not been held as India didn’t fix the date.

During the visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014, it was agreed to resolve the border disputes between the two countries through the foreign secretary level mechanism.

Foreign minister Pradeep Gyawali said that he has instructed the Nepal Embassy in Delhi to acquire detail information about the road construction.

The government would take necessary step after acquiring detail information, said Gyawali.

People’s News Monitoring Service


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