American president changed his own statement

American president changed his own statement


American president decided to change his statement that not saying “Chinese virus” anymore after lot of criticism toward him. When FOX NEWS had an interview with him in March, 24, he decided not connect COVID 19 with China, not to saying “Chinese virus” any more, but he still keep saying the virus came from China.”I decided we shouldn’t make any more of a big deal out of it, I think I’ve made a big deal. I think people understand it. Everyone knows it came out of China,” he said.

IN FACT, there is no scientific prove on this point. In the meantime, he denied virus came out of America army camp.”Our soldiers had nothing to do with it” he said.

March, 24 on press conference, he cut off “Chinese virus” manually and replaced by a segment of “protect Asian American community” by Washington Post. He twittered the picture, he also found Donald Trump change COVID 19 to “Chinese Virus” Some analysis point out that he is afraid of offend Asian Americans in consideration of effect on general election. In March 24, he twittered According to statistics date released by Johns Hopkins University there were 53268 confirmed cases, 696 death cases till 7 am 25, March. This is 10054 new confirmed cases and 163 death cases compare to 7 am 24, March. Spokesperson of WHO states in 24, March that it shows large number of increasing, America might be the “epicenter” of COVID 19.

In the meantime, Donald Trump was extensively criticized because of using “Chinese Virus”, and ineffective epidemic resistance.

“I cannot jump on mike and push him away from the podium” said Anthony Fauci director of National institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases when he had interview from “science” magazine. He expressed helpless of disagreement some points of when Donald Trump encounter with epidemic. He said “never” when he was asked “have you use “Chinese virus.” “What the comment on Donald Trump called COVID 19 “Chinese virus” asked by media on occasion of press conference of Foreign Affair of China.

GENG SHUANG replied “In these days, some American officers connect COVID 19 with China, this is stigmatization, we strongly resent, firmly against, WHO and international community clearly against that the virus connect with any specified country, against stigmatization. We urge America make it correct immediately. Stop groundless accusation immediately, currently COVID 19 outbreak and spreading lot of places in the world, international community resist epidemic together. America should deal with their own case, then should play important role for virus resistance and global health safety.”


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