Russian Ambassador praises China-Russia joint fight against COVID-19, Chinese netizens laud efforts

“Today, as we did in World War II, China and Russia are fighting a common enemy hand-in-hand,” Russian Ambassador to China said in a video released in Chinese on Friday, as the COVID19 pandemic continues to rip through Russia.

The ambassador pointed out that bilateral cooperation against the virus is progressing in the right direction as tens of thousands of Chinese netizens lauded China-Russia friendship and echoed the ambassador’s thoughts in their comments

The Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov made the remarks in a video released on Friday by the embassy on a Chinese news APP Jinri Toutiao.

“Dear friends, Russia and China are old friends that the history of bilateral exchanges goes back to ancient times and the friendship between the two countries’ people is everlasting. Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era is at its best in the history,” Denisov said at the opening of the video.

Shedding light on the China-Russia cooperation in combatting the pandemic he said, “The close cooperation between the two countries has been demonstrated practically in the context of the fight against the novel coronavirus. In February, Russia sent urgently-need humanitarian aid to Wuhan. At present, China has assisted Russia more than once.”

“Today, as we did in the World War II, China and Russia are fighting a common enemy hand-in-hand,” Denisov noted.

The epidemic crisis in Russia continues to worsen as 4,070 new COVID-19 cases with 273 deaths were reported on Friday, taking the total tally of confirmed cases to 32,008, according to data published by the World Health Organization. As of Friday 11:20 am, local time, a total of 18,105 cases have been confirmed in Moscow, making it Russia’s worst-affected region.

As China ‘s domestic epidemic has largely been brought under control, China sent a medical team of 10 experts, along with donated medical supplies, to Russia on April 11 to aid its anti-pandemic efforts.

Upon arrival, the Chinese medical experts exchanged experiences with their Russian counterparts and offered training on COVID-19 prevention, control, diagnosis, and treatment.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin highlighted the importance of the international exchanges to fight against the pandemic in a meeting with the Chinese expert group. Sobyanin highly praised China’s achievements in epidemic prevention and control. Moscow has carefully studied China’s efforts to combat the epidemic and is learning from it, Russian media quoted Sobyanin as saying.

Highlighting the preparations of Victory Day, Russian national day, scheduled on May 9, Ambassador Denisov said China and Russia will jointly celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Victory of the World Anti-Fascist War this year.

In late February, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui said China and Russia should stand together firmly and strengthen mutual trust, noting that the two countries will jointly celebrate the 75th anniversary.

During World War II, the Chinese military and civilians along with the Soviet Union jointly fought against the Japanese invaders and achieved significant outcomes, Zhang said.

In the concluding segment of the video, Ambassador Denisov urged Chinese netizens to keep a tap on the relevant content posted by the official account of the Russian embassy in China. “In the run-up to the festival, we will publish historical information on the ‘great victory’ and various information on the bilateral agenda in written and multimedia format on the Jinri Toutiao platform. Please pay more attention to us!”

As of press time, the embassy has garnered 3,9000 followers on the platform.

“Wish the friendship between China and Russia will last forever and the two countries will work together to gain the final victory against the pandemic,” commented a netizen, whose sentiments vividly resonated with other users. Several netizens also applauded Denisov’s flawless Chinese.

Global Times


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