Twitter restores account as Chinese embassy in Sri Lanka demands freedom of speech

The screenshot of the official Twitter account of the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka. Photo: screenshot

The official Twitter account of the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka was reinstated on Tuesday after the embassy made a solemn representation twice to the social media platform, which said the suspension was a “systematic mistake.”

The embassy said it regretted this “systematic mistake,” and wanted to reiterate that “freedom of speech” must be honored.

Freedom of speech should not be misused to spread groundless, racist or hate speech, nor be treated with “double standards,” the embassy said in a statement on Tuesday.

The embassy’s Twitter account was suspended on Monday without any reason given and the platform only replied on Tuesday after a solemn representation was made by the embassy twice.

Twitter said it was a “systematic mistake,” restored the embassy account on Tuesday and tendered an apology, according to the embassy.

The Twitter account of the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka had engaged in a “war of words” with several users on the platform before the suspension.

It has been active in recent days, on which the embassy has been posting information related to the pandemic.

In its most recent post on Monday, the embassy forwarded a post by the World Economic Forum, which said, “Please don’t politicize this virus. It’s like playing with fire.”

Some people who are deeply stuck in the “political virus” regarded the suspension of the embassy’s Twitter account as a “huge victory,” rejoicing and entertaining themselves over it, which is “absurd and ridiculous,” the embassy posted after its account is reinstated.

Whether or not Twitter freezes its account will not affect the unremitting efforts of the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka, which is dedicated to China-Sri Lankan friendship and pragmatic cooperation, nor will it hinder China’s leading role in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the embassy posted.

The embassy account has had interactions with the president of Sri Lanka and some politicians in the country, the Global Times noticed.

It had about 1,190 followers as of press time.

Global Times


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