Wuhan police apologize for reprimanding doctor who sounded early alarm on COVID-19

A cargo flight from China containing over 6 million medical items, including face masks, test kits, face shields and protective suits, arrives in the capital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 22, 2020. /AP

Two days after the interview with AXIOS, China’s National Supervisory Commission concluded Li’s investigation on March 19, saying local police had “issued improper instructions” and followed “irregular” law enforcement procedures regarding Dr. Li.

The Wuhan Public Security Bureau later admitted the “inappropriate handling” and made an official apology to his family.

The police also revoked the admonition letter, in which he was accused of “spreading rumors.”

What happens next?

Cui said China will make sure the infected cases are reduced to zero in the coming days and focus on developing drugs and vaccines.

China will continue to work with the WHO and help other countries hit by COVID-19, he added.

According to China’s Foreign Ministry, the country has offered assistance to 82 countries as well as the WHO and the African Union. These medical supplies included test kits, masks and protective clothing.

It has also sent medical experts to Iran, Iraq, Italy and Serbia to help local doctors to contain the outbreak.

Cui also praised the help China received from American companies. “We are also very grateful at the initial stage so many countries came to our help, including the American people, American businesses, American institutions, American specialists. Some of them came to China at a very early stage, some of them joined the WHO expert team.”

The ambassador said that China and the U.S. stood at a “critical juncture” and that efforts from both sides are needed to build a healthy bilateral relationship.

Both countries have no alternative than cooperation with each other, he said.

The two countries should “reject any attempt to stir up confrontation or even start a new Cold War,” and both sides should develop a relationship based on coordination, cooperation and stability, he stressed.



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