Govt urges public not to go after rumour but verify information

The government has urged one and all to not go after rumour but instead verify the information relating to COVID-19 with the Health Ministry. The government made such appeal again in view of rumour created in social networking sites on various aspects of the coronavirus.

The Department of Health Services  (DoHS)  has stated that wrong information creates negative impact on public psychology and said in an appeal , “Misinformation creates panic. Spread of factual information is the need of hour. We provide information from time to time. But the media too need to spread authentic news.”

According to DoHS proper research and test are carried out to prevent the entry of the disease.
Nepal currently has no case of coronavirus. Those coming to Nepal from China too are normal. It has also appealed to everyone not to believe that turmeric, garlic, alcohol cures COVID-19. If the things used during sneezing, coughing is reused by other there is chance of transmission. So, sanitation and personal hygiene is most important to prevent the disease. The infection of the COVID-19 is severe mostly in old age people.

People’s News Monitoring Service


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