‘RPP unification for sweeping change in country’

Chairperson of Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP), Pashupati Shumsher JB Rana, has said RPP and RPP (United) were unified in view of country’s need. The unified RPP would work as per people’s expectation because people were for an alternative to the NCP and NC. “We have been unified not on minor agenda, but to bring sweeping changes in the country,” he announced, blaming the major opposition of bickering after trifle dispute, losing its significance in national politics.

Chairman Rana, during the unification announcement meeting organized on Wednesday said  the cadres from across the country urged the parties for merger. He urged all democratic forces to work in unison and address people’s aspiration.

Similarly, another chairman Dr Pakash Chandra Lohani viewed, “Constitutional monarchy and Hindu State is our major agenda. The 5000-years old civilization must be protected.” Once Nepal is made the centre of faith for the Hindus all across the globe, it would boost country’s economy, he argued. He also criticized NC for its failure to play the opposition role.

Moreover, another Chairman of the party, Kamal Thapa asserted that RPP has now emerged as third largest political force in the country after NCP and NC. “With the unification of the RPPs, Nepal has got nationalist and democratic force. As people sought alternative, we became united.”

People’s News Monitoring Service


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