Better late than never

By PR Pradhan

Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli underwent his second successful kidney surgery, that too, in Nepal and from Nepali experts produced from local medical institutions. Last week, a Nepali medical team successfully transplanted a new kidney on PM Oli. The kidney has already started to work and Oli’s health is normal and recovering very fast. Except from infection, PM Oli is out of danger, according to the medical experts.

Oli’s second kidney transplant surgery has given multiple messages to all. First of all, PM Oli decided to undergo such a risky operation in Nepal. Oli’s confidence in Nepali experts is highly commendable at a time when all political leaders are visiting Delhi, Bangkok, Singapore or other countries even when they face minor health problems by spending the government’s funds. Due to such a practice, for decades, VIP cabin at the Bir Hospital is not in use.

In the past, PM Oli himself was visiting Bangkok and Singapore for follow-up check-up and treatment, although, he was unable to receive better treatment there.
Secondly, the Nepali medical experts chose to take a big risk by conducting such a challenging surgery within the country. It was not an easy task for the Nepali medical experts as due to the age factor of Oli and also it was his second kidney transplant. Nevertheless, the Nepali medical team has achieved a big success.

According to records, such transplant operations’ success rate in Nepal is 98 percent, which is excellent. Earlier, Oli had taken a second option to undergo transplant surgery in New York, which was not an easy task. PM Oli’s first transplanted kidney was already nonfunctional and thus he was needed regular dialysis. Travelling to such a long distance by air for the kidney patient was a risky task. That too might have compelled Oli to undergo surgery in Nepal. Nevertheless, the local medical team became ready to face the challenge, which is important.

Normally, we see there is lack of cooperation and coordination among the medical experts due to their arrogance. However, in Oli’s case, all local experts were found sharing their experiences and coordinated with each other even during the pre-surgery and surgery period. Experts on different organs were also kept standby to tackle possible problems in Oli’s other organs during the surgery period. If the experts establish such a cooperation and coordination and introduce teamwork, they can achieve further success in the future.

Obviously, while undergoing surgery in Nepal, Oli has saved a huge amount of foreign currency, which is a strong message Oli has given to other political leaders who are running to foreign countries for even minor treatment.

Furthermore, Oli has remarkably boosted the morale of the local medical experts that they are very efficient and they also meet international standards.

Along with Oli’s kidney transplant operation, a message has been spread internationally that Nepal can be a medical destination for foreigners also.

If our medical experts perform with responsibility, Nepal can be a hub for medical tourism. Due to the currency exchange rate and cheap medical fees, Nepal is an attractive destination for receiving medical service at a very cheap price for foreigners. Potentiality of flourishing medical tourism is thus very high in Nepal. However, the government should be supportive and doctors have to be responsible about their service.

The leaders in the government should note that the medical experts produced by local institution – TU Teaching Hospital – were able to conduct such a major surgery within the country. Therefore, the government should focus on producing experts in different fields within the country. For commoners, receiving medical service is very expensive. Therefore, the government should focus on providing quality education and provide quality medical service to the commoners. The government should thus focus on establishing more and more hospitals and schools and discourage private sector operated expensive hospitals and schools. If commoners will get quality service from government run institutions, they will never visit expensive private sector run schools and hospitals.

Finally, we congratulate the Nepali medical team for its successful surgery on Oli and wish for the speedy recovery of PM Oli’s health. May the nation get a physically strong PM! Not to forget, we extend thanks to Sameekchya Shangraula, who has made proud to all the Nepalis by donating her kidney to PM Oli. We wish speedy recovery of her health as well.

Reproduced from People’s Review


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