Pentagon plans for mobile nuclear plants

A reactor probe robot, PMORPH, with five cameras and a radiation dosimeter, is unveiled at a press preview in Hitachi, Japan on Friday. File photo: VCG
The US military said on Monday they are planning to deploy a miniature nuclear generator that can be carried in a freight truck and could power a remote base indefinitely.
The US Defense Department awarded three contracts for the engineering design of the mobile reactors, targeting a one to five megawatt capacity.The project, dubbed Pele, “involves the development of a safe, mobile and advanced nuclear microreactor to support a variety of Department of Defense missions such as generating power for remote operating bases,” the Pentagon said in a statement.

Within two years, one of the three companies will be chosen to produce a prototype.

The mini-reactor has to be easily made operational and shut down, and weigh less than 40 tons, so it can be transported by aircraft, by ship or by a tractor-trailer.

“Microreactors would significantly reduce the need for investments in costly power infrastructure,” the Pentagon statement said.

“A safe, small, mobile nuclear reactor would enable units to carry a nearly endless clean power supply, enabling expansion and sustainment of operations for extended periods of time anywhere on the planet.”

Some civilian nuclear experts were dubious, noting that an attack that damages such a reactor could spill radioactive fuel, or that the nuclear material could fall into the wrong hands and be used to fabricate a low-tech “dirty bomb.”

Global Times


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