An Overview of the joint statement of President Trump and Prime Minister Modi and US President’s visit to India

An Overview of the joint statement of President Trump and Prime Minister Modi and US President’s visit to India

— Prabin Rai
The joint statement was issued by the two leaders after a meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump on Tuesday, February 25 at Hyderabad House in the capital Dehli. Both statements need to be viewed analytically. Prime Minister Modi had said – double digit trade has increased in 3 years between the two countries. There was a positive dialogue between the two countries regarding bilateral trade as well. We have also agreed on a big trade deal. This will yield positive results. At the same time, Trump said that in the talks with Modi, the defense deal worth 21.5 thousand crores has been approved. At the same time, both our countries will work to end terrorism. They will also put pressure on Pakistan for this.
Modi said – agreed to stop terrorism
We have agreed to launch a big trade deal. This will yield positive results. Both countries also agree on the development of connectivity infrastructure. It is not only in each other, but in the interest of the world.
There was a positive discussion between the two countries on defense, technology, global connectivity, trade and people to people tie-up. In the last few years, the combined maneuvers of our forces have increased. Today it will be strengthened by the agreement reached in Homeland.
We have also decided to increase efforts against terrorism today. We have also talked about stopping drugs and narcotics. The US has become an important source for India for oil and gas. Fuel or nuclear energy, we are getting new energy.
Trump said – 60% increase in trade with India
In conversation with Modi, we have approved the defense deal worth 21.5 thousand crores. America wants balanced trade. We are committed to securing the Indo-Pacific region. Both countries will work to end terrorism.
Ever since I took over the business, US exports have increased, thanks to Modi for this. Trade with India has grown by 60% during my tenure. The US is feeling great working with India. We have entered into an agreement to stop the drug business. There should be no effort in politics of pressure.
Agreement to buy Sea Hawk helicopters
In the delegation-level talks between Modi and Trump, the defense deal worth 21 thousand corers is most important in the 6 agreement between India and America. It was announced by the US President himself at the ‘Namaste Trump’ event in Ahmedabad. Apart from this, the Indo-US nuclear reactor agreement is also important. Under this, the US will supply 6 nuclear reactors to India.
The talk of purchasing Sea-Hawk choppers from the US was a long-standing issue. Of the defense deals, this could cost around Rs 18,626 crore. Navy needs 24 C-Hawk helicopters. These helicopters are capable of attacking in all weather and at any time of the day. This fourth generation helicopter can target hidden submarines.
Apart from this deal, India can also buy 6 AH-64E Apache helicopters from the US for $ 800 million. Simultaneously, the US is also trying to sell the US missile defense shield to prevent Russia’s S-400 missile defense system from entering India.
In the US President Trump’s visit to India, defense trade of India-US in particular has emerged as the main issues. In which to be seen especially as the need for American arms India.  They wanted to confirm the similarity in India’s attitude to the American pressure on Muslim countries in the name of terrorism.
The joint press statement of President Trump and Prime Minister Modi can also be clearly seen to be mobilized along with the defense deal. In which the statement of US President Trump about Pakistan is also worth seeing, he said that in our discussions, PM Modi and I confirmed the commitment of both countries to protect our citizens from radical Islamic terrorism. In this endeavor, the US is working with Pakistan to counter the terrorists working on its soil. It is being seen and propagated as an agreement by Pakistan on behalf of India. But President Trump has clearly said that he is working with Pakistan too and will have to work with Pakistan to end terrorism. In addition to this, Trump said on trade agreement that ‘we have started talking about a great trade agreement with India which will make it much easier to invest in both countries. We are going to have the largest trade agreement ever. I hope PM will enter into an agreement with Modi to benefit both countries equally. The idea of this is that the US is looking at India as its market, in which its products are easily available in the Indian market  as compare  to other Asian countries. America wanted to  develop India as the American main market. it can also be considered to provide ease of doing business to other American companies in India. Which can be considered as the goal to reduce the market of products from other Asian countries.
On the other hand, when the Trump tour was going on in India, there was a violent struggle between the supporters and opponents of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in Delhi. the CAA has imposed by the Modi government.  At the same time, there was a protest in the USA too about CAA .  Trump was asked questions about this, but he did not give any concrete answer.
If we look at the attitude of the US on CAA, Trump said before the press conference that I will not speak on any disputed issue. But this issue must have been raised in the private conversation between Modi and Trump. Trump said I think this is because when the US officials briefed in Washington before the tour, they mentioned it. It is more right to raise this matter in private conversation. Trump told that Modi told him in detail what is the problem under Muslim minorities in India. He told that earlier there were 14 million Muslims, now it has increased. So in this you can read anything what it meant. But Trump did not discuss it much.
However, there were never 14 million Muslims in India before independent. Presently, Muslims in India constitute 14% of the total population, i.e. around 20 crores. It is known that in the briefing of the Foreign Secretary in the US, there was no talk of CAA. But the political instability of India is not good for the American business ideology and there is a resolution going on in the US Parliament, which is initiated by the Indian-American MP Pramila Jaipal. So this is something to worry about. People are watching and we cannot hide.
Overall, if these things will be affected in the long-term relationship between India and the United States, then in response to this, as a bitter truth, America needs India to balance China in Asia. So the strategic partnership will not have such a big impact. If it gets out of control at all, India becomes unstable as a country. It is not yet and hope that the Modi government will soon find a solution to it. But the fat thing is that America wants to balance China, because both Democratic and Republican parties understand that China is their main rival. For him, partnership with India is very important.


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