Biased article in Nepalese newspaper on coronavirus irritating but unrepresentative: expert

Biased article in Nepalese newspaper on coronavirus irritating but unrepresentative: expert

By Hu Yuwei 

The Chinese embassy in Nepal lodged a “strong protest” on Tuesday against an article published in the Nepal-based Kathmandu Post with an insulting picture of Chairman Mao’s face on a yuan note wearing a mask, regarding the novel coronavirus epidemic that had caused over 2,000 deaths by Wednesday.

Experts said that such an unfriendly voice does not represent the dominant view of Nepalese society, calling on readers to be vigilant toward anti-China political forces and efforts to undermine the friendship between the two neighboring countries.

This English daily newspaper carried an editorial on February 18 that had previously been published by the Korea Herald and the US Chicago Tribune, attacking the political system in China while belittling and ignoring the efforts of the Chinese government to control the novel coronavirus epidemic.

“This fully revealed its ignorance and prejudice toward China, deeply hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, and sparked strong indignation and condemnation among the Chinese people and Nepali friends from all sectors,” the embassy said in a statement.

“Such an article will undoubtedly do harm, especially amid such a difficult time. Local Chinese have been massively angered, but we must be clear that this voice is not representative or universal,” Long Xingchun, a director of the Center for Indian Studies at China West Normal University, told the Global Times on Wednesday. “I hope Chinese readers won’t turn their anger against Nepal, so as not to fall into the political trap set by hostile foreign forces.”

“It is regrettable that Mr. Anup Kaphle, chief editor of The Kathmandu Post, has always been biased on China-related issues. This time he went as far as disregarding the facts and becoming a parrot of some anti-China forces and, therefore, his ulterior purpose is destined for failure,” said the Chinese embassy in the statement.

“I condemn this on behalf of the Nepalese people and demand an apology from the Kathmandu Post and warn them not to repeat the same blunder in the future,” Prem Sagar Poudel, the president of the Nepal-China Mutual Co-operation Society, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Nepali people participate in a candlelight vigil in support for China’s fight against the novel coronavirus during an event organized in Kathmandu, Nepal, Feb. 12, 2020.

Nepalese support for China in the national fight against the virus has been well received by Chinese people. The Nepalese government donated 100,000 face masks to China and Nepalese people have gathered to light candles and pray for China.

“The relations between Nepal and China are like family relations on the basis of various treaties and exchanges. It is our responsibility to help China out of the current tough situation,” said Prem Sagar Poudel.

Source:Global Times


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