Chinese FM spokesperson Hua Chunying opens Twitter account

Chinese FM spokesperson Hua Chunying opens Twitter account

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying Photo:

Hua Chunying, spokesperson for China’s Foreign Ministry and head of the Foreign Ministry’s information department, opened an official Twitter account on Friday. The account is the first for a Chinese spokesperson.

In her first tweet, Hua said in English, “No winter lasts forever, every spring is sure to follow.”

Twitter has been seeing more active voices from Chinese officials. China’s Foreign Ministry opened its official Twitter account in November 2019. It has 307,000 followers as of Friday.

The Foreign Ministry has followed 78 Twitter accounts including more than 30 Chinese embassies around the world and 22 Chinese ambassadors.

Zhao Lijian, current deputy director general of the Foreign Ministry’s information department, has been an active Twitter user since he joined the platform in May 2010.

He was the minister counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan before assuming his current post in August 2019. Following Zhao, Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai posted his first tweet on July 8, 2019.

Global Times


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