State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas held the fifth round of China-Germany Strategic Dialogue on Diplomacy and Security

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas held the fifth round of China-Germany Strategic Dialogue on Diplomacy and Security

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (L) shakes hands with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas after a joint press conference in Berlin, capital of Germany, Feb. 13, 2020.

On February 13, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas held the fifth round of China-Germany Strategic Dialogue on Diplomacy and Security in Berlin.

Wang Yi pointed out that the current international situation is full of risks and challenges. As two countries with important influence, China and Germany should strengthen strategic communication, enhance strategic mutual trust, promote strategic cooperation, and push the China-Germany all-round strategic partnership to a new level while working together to better cope with global challenges. The two countries should act in an inclusive and open mindset, adhere to the principles of mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs and view objectively the differences between each other’s social systems and development models. China and Germany should properly handle differences through constructive dialogue, and make it clear that the two countries are partners rather than opponents, so that China and Germany will become real partners beyond ideology. The two countries should remain committed to opening-up and win-win cooperation and carry out mutually beneficial cooperation at a higher level, so that the model of “1+1 > 2” will be a standing one for China-Germany cooperation. Germany is welcome to actively participate in the development of the Belt and Road Initiative and strengthen third-party market cooperation in Africa, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe and other regions. The two countries should provide a fair environment for their enterprises to carry out cooperation on science and technology without adopting any discriminatory practices. Wang Yi said that this year there will be a series of important political agendas between China and the EU, and the two sides should work closely to speed up negotiations on China-EU Investment Agreement and play an important leading role in promoting the development of China-EU relations. The two sides should also further strengthen coordination in international and regional affairs, and jointly safeguard multilateralism to make greater contribution to the promotion of world peace and development.

Heiko Maas said that State Councilor Wang Yi’s visit to Germany upon invitation when China is fighting the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) outbreak has reflected the trust and support between Germany and China. Germany attaches great importance to China’s international status and role. The common interests between the two countries far outweigh their differences, and the two sides should maintain close exchanges and strengthen dialogue so as to achieve a high level of development of bilateral relations. Germany adheres to the one-China policy, respects China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as China’s concerns on core interests and sensitive issues. Germany is ready to strengthen communication with China, properly manage differences, and keep enhancing the mutual trust. Germany shares a common position with China on safeguarding free trade and opposes the use of tariffs for a trade war. Germany stands for opening up the market and will not take restrictive measures against specific enterprises. Germany is ready to carry out in-depth digital cooperation with China and the two countries should cooperate closely to ensure the success of a series of important EU-China diplomatic agendas this year. Germany stands ready to work with China to promote the complementarity between the Eurasian connectivity strategy and the Belt and Road Initiative and stay in close communication with China on climate change, biodiversity, WTO reform and other issues.

Wang Yi thanked Germany for its moral and material support for China’s effort to fight the NCP outbreak. and gave a detailed account of the latest progress made by China. He emphasized that China has the confidence and ability to succeed in prevailing over the epidemic at an early date. China’s economy has a strong internal driving force, and China will overcome temporary difficulties and strive to realize the economic and social development targets set for this year. China hopes that Germany will continue to adopt a rational attitude so that mutual trust and cooperation between the two countries will be consolidated and deepened in the process of jointly fighting the epidemic. Maas indicated that Germany firmly supports China in its fight against NCP and admires the decisive and responsible measures taken by the Chinese government. He believes that China will soon triumph over the epidemic. Germany opposes any irrational reactions and discriminatory measures against the epidemic and will continue to respond to it objectively and calmly. Germany is ready to continue its support and assistance to China on top of the previous donation of medical supplies.

The two sides also had in-depth exchange of views on Libya, Afghanistan, the situation on the Korean Peninsula, arms control and other regional and international issues of shared interest.

Source:Global Times


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