Recovered Pakistani COVID-19 patient discharged from Guangzhou hospital

Having recovered from the novel coronavirus pneumonia or COVID-19, a Pakistani national was discharged from a hospital in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province on Wednesday, Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office announced in a statement on Thursday.

On Wednesday morning, officials with the foreign affairs office and provincial health commission and officers of the Consulate General of Pakistan in Guangzhou came to the hospital for the event, sending their regards.

Officials with the office said in the statement that amid difficult times for China, the government of Pakistan has spared no effort in providing assistance, sending military planes to deliver medical protective materials to China. The Pakistani Senate also unanimously passed a resolution in support of China’s fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic.

“These actions fully demonstrate the deep friendship between China and Pakistan and the trust of the Pakistani government in the Chinese government,” officials said.

After the patient’s infection was confirmed, the office kept close communication with the Pakistani Consulate General in Guangzhou, and the province’s health commission instructed the hospital to fully conduct the treatment work, the office said.

The Guangdong provincial Party committee, government and all relevant departments will continue to make efforts to provide all necessary help and assistance to safeguard the health of Pakistani nationals in Guangdong.

On his part, the Pakistani patient, who is an overseas student in China, said that he is grateful for the care and treatment provided by the Chinese side and medical staff, saying “my friends, classmates and family felt reassured after learning that I am doing well here.”

“I love China, love Wuhan, love Guangzhou. And I would love to go back to Wuhan to continue my studies,” he said.

The Pakistani student came to visit Guangdong in the middle of January, and he fell sick on January 26 and was admitted to the Guangzhou Eighth People’s Hospital for medical treatment.

As of 16:00 on Wednesday, six foreign patients in Guangdong including four Pakistani nationals have recovered and have been discharged from hospital, according to the office.

Photo: Xinhua


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