Is it ‘beginning of the end’ of the Indian government?

By NP Upadhyaya

“I detest Hindutwa”, so says a veteran Indian historian Ramchandra Guha talking recently to the right-wing salvos in an interaction with satirist Akash Banerjee.
He even came heavily down on Indian Prime Minister Modi by saying that “Modi has misused Mahatma Gandhi’s name to “promote himself”, and asked if he was “fond of “Gandhi before becoming Prime Minister?
Historian Guha was in Ahmadabad to deliver a lecture on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s death anniversary this Thursday January 30, also slammed the fundamentalist Hindu terror party, BJP-led Union Government over the citizenship (amendment) act (CAA), saying Gandhi would have opposed it if he were alive.
The noted historian Ramachandra on December 21 /2019 even demanded the withdrawal of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC) to what he called “heal the nation”.
He made such an observation while making a speech in Bengaluru on December 21, as stated earlier.
In the meanwhile, coming together, the Indian community across Europe held a peaceful protest outside the UN headquarters in Geneva on February 1.
Braving even the inclement weather, the protestors held banners, sang songs and recited poetry to register their opposition against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC).
According to a press release, former IAS officer Kannan Gopinathan spoke to the protestors via a live call-in facility while the audio message of Bhim Army Chief Chandrasekhar Azad was also played at the protest.
By the way, the Indian Mahatma is adored in Nepal by some perverted political brains as against our own Unifier-King Prithvi the great.
The 12-point perversion is this, claim those who know as to how the declared Nepal hater and mentally deranged Mr. Saran catapulted the Nepali politics in 2005-6 and installed his “cultivated” men in Nepal’s politics who have been ruling the nation mercilessly.
Who they are perhaps needs no more elaboration as such an unnatural installation has happened just before their own naked eyes a decade back?
The nationalist Nepali population felt ashamed the way Mr. Saran brought his men in Nepal and told them all to control Nepali politics for the benefit of the Indian regime.
Frankly speaking, Nepalese people are living under an authoritarian regime headed by China tilted radical communists.
The democratic world is just watching the Nepali misery.
Interestingly, the man who possesses a detest for the Modi’s Hindutwa is possibly a Hindu himself (Read Guha) but yet this qualified historian for some pressing reasons is forced to speak against the Hindutwa-terror that is forcibly made to prevail all over the “disturbed” Indian Union.
What could be inferred from Guha’s detest is that the liberal Hindus in India appear to have become allergic to the rouge Hindutva is being practiced by PM Modi and his terror machine that includes Ajit Doval and Amit Shah with half Indo-Pacific Jay Shankar.
The troika is controlled by PM Modi himself whom Nepal’s senior lawyer Swagat Nepal takes as a dangerous Hindu terrorist.
This perhaps speaks as to how the Indian Prime Minister is being taken by a Hindu lawyer in Nepal and his friends alike.
This further means that a sizeable section of the Indian Hindu population though practice Hinduism but concurrently hate the Hindutwa as is being imposed upon the entire Indian population including the Muslims and the Christians and the ever dominated Dalits.
The Dalits are the ones who prefer to convert to Islam or even Christianity to escape the Hindu terror, it is made known through the Indian media itself.
PM Modi and his Hindutwa team is also under immense pressure from the Indian Human Rights Activists as regards the terror unleashed by the Indian government by bringing into force the Citizenship amendment act, CAA.
Hitting hard the Modi government, Ms. Arundhati Roy says joining the anti-CAA protests, Booker Prize Winner, author and activist saluted people’s spirit against the unconstitutional citizenship (amendment) act (CAA) and national register of citizens (NRC).
Ms. Roy made this observation making a statement on December 21, 2019 which was published by the SIASHAT Daily.
She asserts in her statement dating back to last year December and says that the protests are to roll back the CAA and the NRC.
She claims further that the people of all religions and castes belonging to all walks of life are showing their dissent against the divisive, fascist and bigoted government.
She then predicts the unimaginable for the sitting Indian government and says in a beaming manner that “this is the beginning of the end of this government” while expressing fear that they will unleash goons, police, hatred, rumors on social media but yet she still hoped that they can’t beat the protestors down, and this fascism will end”.
Drawing a parallel between Nazi Germany and the present day India, author –declared activist Arundhati Roy said on January 24, 2020, as reported by the New Indian Express, she said that she was happy to see that students have come out on the streets in large numbers to protest against the government “divisive citizenship law” and proposed nationwide NRC.
The protests across the country (India) continues with full force.
Ms. Roy adds and then says that the present day India “where legacy papers act as current day document” is a slightly upturned version of Nazi Germany.
The protests are taking place, to recall, across India and overseas (the fresh one being in Geneva) against the Citizenship (Amendment) act (CAA), which was enacted into law on 12 December 2019, and against proposals to enact a nationwide national Register of Citizens (NRC). The protests began in Assam, Delhi, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, and Tripura on 4th December/2019.
In a few days, the protests spread across India, though the concerns of the protestors vary.
Modi’s team remains undeterred. However, if the Minority people are pushed to the wall, chances remain fair that the Union may split into several pieces.
Ms. Roy is the same activist whose vision is clear on Kashmir that has now been occupied by the Indian establishment since August 5/2019.
She is on record to have said as back as in 2010 that “Kashmir has never been an integral part of India. It is a historical fact. Even the Indian government has accepted this,” the Booker Prize winner Ms. Roy said.
Ms. Roy alleged that India became “colonizing power” soon after its Independence from the British rule.
So, in Kashmir, traditionally, normalcy has always been a military declaration, so says Ms. Roy.
She then adds, (sic)” You know, it’s not the people that decide what is normal, it’s the establishment that decides. And so for them normal seems to be to keep seven million people under a complete communication blackout. And that is besides the terror, besides the reports of, you know, the thousands who are being arrested, who are being picked up, tortured, all of that.
Arundhati Roy, India’s most famous novelist and a passionate voice for Kashmiri self-determination, joined Mehdi Hasan to discuss the Kashmir crisis and India’s troubling rightward tilt.
She talked with Mr. Hasan (Deconstructed with Hasan), as reported by the Intercept dated October 3/2019, last year.
The renowned novelist discussed with Mr. Hasan her country’s drift toward authoritarianism.
She adds while talking to Hasan that “every single person who has a voice at all has been arrested. And that, as you say, includes all the former chief ministers, people who have been carrying India’s water for the last 70 years. Everybody is in jail. Anybody who has a voice is in jail. Anybody who dares to speak up is being picked up, anybody on the street, you know, and of course, internationally. The people who are negotiating and speaking whether it’s Imran Khan or Modi or Donald Trump, in a sense, you know, why are they negotiating the fate of seven million people who have been caged? I mean, how would it be if seven million people in New York were caged and everybody was deciding their fate and think, “Oh, it’s a good thing for them in the end, you know, they ought to be locked down for 50 days because they don’t know what is good for them?”
Looking at all these (the inner dissent inside the Indian Union over Kashmir annexation), the Pakistan Prime Minister, the Oxford Graduate Imran Khan on February 5/2020 while talking to Mirpur population said that “PM Modi was an “abnormal person”.
What was more surprising of it all that the Google News which carried this news that PM Modi was a deranged political person got deleted within hours of its posting.
Is it due to Goggle’s India link?
However, some intelligent brains in the media could read this news carried by the Google and made a note of what the Pakistani Prime Minister have had said of the Indian Prime Minister.
As was later given to understand that PM Khan had made a very sharp comment on his Indian counterpart when the latter has openly told his countrymen that should India so desire, the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir could be captured by India well within eleven days.
Khan just rebuffed Modi’s jocular claim.
While PM Khan was talking in favor of the eight million caged Kashmiri population, here in Kathmandu the Pakistan Ambassador Mazhar Javed was briefing some Nepali academicians as to why Pakistan attaches great importance to the plight of the Kashmiri population.
He then appealed the Nepali scholars, February 5 to understand the gravity of the Kashmir situation and, if possible, make some comments that supports the imprisoned population now living under the mercy of the Indian Union.
Concluding remarks: Look what the veteran Indian writer of Sikh origin Khuswant Singh wrote as back as in 2003 in a book titled “The End of India” wherein he says, (sic) “These are the dark times for India. The carnage in Gujrat, Bapu Gandhi’s home state, in early 2002 and the subsequent landslide victory of Narendra Modi in the elections will spill disaster for our country. The fascist agenda of Hindu fanatics is unlike any thing we have experienced in our modern history. After partition I had thought we would never again experience a similar holocaust. I may be proved wrong. Far from becoming Mahaan (Great) India is going to the dogs, and unless a miracle saves us, the country will break up. It will not be Pakistan or any other foreign power that will destroy us; we will commit Hara-Kiri.
Is India heading for a vertical split as presumed by Khuswant Singh in advance? That’s all.

Reproduced by People’s Review


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