Belarus offers support in China’s fight against novel coronavirus

President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko instructed relevant authorities to provide medical support and supplies to China as the country has been fighting resolutely to contain the deadly pneumonia, the Global Times learned.

Belarus will dispatch military aircraft with medical supplies, including masks, protective gear, gloves, and disinfectants to China, which is scheduled to depart Wednesday.
Like always, the Eastern European country was quick to offer immediate help to China in battling the novel coronavirus, which has caused so far caused over 100 deaths with 5,900 confirmed cases of infection nationwide, surpassing the overall infection number during SARS epidemic in 2003.

The Belarusian foreign ministry is also considering sending health department officials and experts to China for further consultation if required.

Besides, the Global Times also learned that Chinese people living in Belarus have been actively fundraising for medical supplies. Although the Eastern European country has been reeling under sanctions of western countries imposed on Russia resulting in slow economic growth, whenever China faced crisis or disaster, Belarus has always offered generous support.

During the Yushu earthquake in 2010, Belarus provided a $1 million fund to the disaster-hit area.



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