Opposed towards MCC Project in Nepal

Opposed towards MCC Project in Nepal

The people, organization and parties against MCC project are mostly Bhim Rawal Nepal Communist Party, Dev Gurung Nepal Communist Party, Prem Kaidi senior journalist, Bharat Dahal senior leader and other so many Nepalese people. Nine (9) political parties alliance are against MCC project, on these united parties NCP-ML, NCP (Maoist-Centre), NCP Revolutionary Maoist, NCP Mashal, Janamorcha Nepal, Deshbhakta People’s Republic Morcha have protested against MCC Project. Shahi Yuwa Shakti (Royal Youth Power) sourrounded the American Embassy protesting against MCC implementing in Nepal. The Super Star Rajesh Hamal, Social Activist Gyanendra Shahi, most popular journalist Rabi Lamichane also protest against MCC.

The MCC has been a hot topic of discussion so far. Recently, there were two interaction programs in the capital on this topic. More people have been seen in opposition than in its favor at the pubic level. This will make Nepal the backbone of America to break India and weaken China. A fear has created that this will make Nepal like a calf between two fighting bulls. Meanwhile, it has been said that a person associated with the MCC project has threatened the senior leader of NCP and the American embassy is also putting pressure on government. It has also been made public that former Deputy Prime Minister, Defense Minister, and Home Minister Bhim Rawal have been threatened by the Prime Minister’s Press Advisor. Senior leaders of the NCP made by unity of two communist parties have still expressing their dissatisfaction. It is said that two leaders are leading two groups of party and there is a competition to become more popular between them.

After the party unity Nepali people and the international community had hoped that it would bring stability and peace in Nepal but now fear has been created that either this hope is being dismissed like a lump of water. The Prime Minister has promised to give importance to Neighbor country and put forward a slogan of Happy Nepali and prosperous Nepal. Despite of being MCC contradiction of Nepal’s foreign policy, the government has been expressing its determination to pass the MCC project anyway. The terms and provisions in the MCC will hamper to bring the railway from China to Nepal, disrupt the connectivity between China Nepal and India, imports & exports of Nepal, economy and security. The main opposition party Nepali Congress has been like a lost cork in fog. It is difficult for small parties to protect their identity themselves.
Nepalese people want the government not to become fool and implement MCC project in Nepal which is against Nepal’s foreign policy and contrary to the agreements and treaties with two neighbors. Now it is clear as like crystal that US is implementing MCC as a part of Indo-Pacific Strategy and it seems its first objective is to increase instability from Myanmar to Afghanistan and divide India.

MCC project seems to be supportive of Nepal’s nationality, sovereignty and development.
Minister for Foreign Affairs and spokesperson of government are still advocating for the passing of the project. Leaders of the same party, Dev Gurung and Bhim Rawal, have come out against the project. Currently, Nepal’s politics are divided into two fields. As the Chinese Ambassador’s views are made public, the message is trying to be flowed that China is also positive about MCC project, so it should be passed. There can be two reasons of the Nepalese government of advocating for it in spite of so many disputes and doubts. One is because they have already made a commitment with the US government, saying that it should pass anyway. Another, it should be with the fear that if it passed thereafter, it would legitimize American intervention. In fact, it is clear that US policy is moving forward with the objective of encircling China.

Sayings of opposition may also be against the public. Any another element may be trying to provoke. As far as the MCC project is concerned, foreign assistance is essential for Nepal. However, we should never accept them if there are conditions that affect our sovereignty, our nationality and national integrity. Srilanka, too, has rejected what she has to pass by Parliament.
We do not need to pass from parliament and accept terms to get same amount of support from china but it needs to do to get from US, Why? If this help is with clean heart, why are there conditions? Everyone should think about this. No one should work to prove the interests of foreigners by making the people a delusional and weak administration.

MCC is being opposed because this is the entry of Indo-Pacific in Nepal as a financial aid. It is understood that the US is planning to deploy her military in Nepal through this. Non alliance is our foreign policy and MCC is offensive of this. It will turn the country into a battleground. Our leaders are also aware of it but are advocating for it, because they cannot decide or work by themselves. We can know everyone by his work. Perhaps, Prime Minister Oli is also under the influence of western power. The agreement for financial assistance does not have to be passed by Parliament according to the constitution of Nepal. China has also announced the support of similar amount and there is no provision that Parliament should approve. What the US Minister and the Ambassador said regarding the MCC project would not be false. US embassy clearly said that MCC is a part of Indo-Pacific even after the argument on Standing Committee meeting of NCP. There are still people speaking in favor of it. In the name of cooperation, the sovereignty of the country should not be disturbed. Our leaders seem to be blindfolded and run by others. To occupy the infinite resources of Nepal western power is trapping our leaders in some way and bringing their plans into action.

Leaders with broker mind are still suppressing the nationalist leaders in our country. The agreement that makes our county’s constitution inactive is being passed for money. This project was brought to stop the pioneer development of China. The United States already have asked for places to build her military camps in Nepal. It will make Nepal a battleground like Afghanistan and Syria.

Assistance should be fair but there are so many terms and condition in MCC. In that project, there should be an investment of 14 billion rupees of Nepal, but she doesn’t have authority of auditing. We have to take permission of India. This requires a tripartite agreement. It cannot be a support with so many terms and condition. MCC is of 56 billions aid with condition. Both the US and China are now competitors. The US plans to invade China by making our country a base camp. China must be careful to avoid this. It is natural to came out words of the US and Chinese ambassadors in this condition.

China is saying is Nepal is free to take a decision and America is speaking in a dictatorial way. Interference comes little by little. We need to be strong enough to say others that nobody is need to speak about us. We have been accepting any types of help, saying that we are poor. The nationality of our country is not be protected by China, India and other countries. We have to protect ourselves being alert.

MCC compact should not be allowed to pass. There is widespread opposition at the public level. It is not good for the communist government to auction the country to support imperialist. This will be betrayal to the country. The entire population must be agitated to protest it. People did not send leaders as representative to do as they wish. There are many patriotic leaders and MPs here, so I believe the MCC will not pass. Some people nourished by foreign country are speaking in favor of it. Being influenced by the words of people having slave spirit, MCC should not be passed.

Including the Prime Minister, Nepali Congress Party and the RPP Party are confusing people saying that it is in the interest of the country and it should be passed from parliament. There are plenty of cropped leaders to pass the MCC, so nationalist MPs must revolt. Article 2F of Section 3 of MCC deals with intellectual property. If the project is implemented in Nepal, then all the intellectual property associated with it will be rights of America. Any section of Nepal government is not allowed to audit according to article 8A of section 3. Sub articles A and B of article 7 gives full authority to America to close the project any time giving information before 30 days. Article 7.1 of section 7 states that if there happens any conflicts with existing low or subsequent lows of the country with MCC, Nepal’s low will be invalid. As per Schedule 5, Nepal government hast to take permission with Indian government to conduct project. This is betrayal. We don’t agree to hand over all the policies related to the electricity in our country to India to make a transmission line.

They have stated in their DPR that there will be 5000 to 10000 American military force for the the security arrangements of MCC project. They will make first camp in Chitwan, second in Basanta hill of Palpa, third in upper mustang and they will require space near Rara for storage. It is clear that MCC is conspiracy to enter American military in Nepal. MCC will make Nepal a battle field. China is on its way to trade policing. We have to work for the interests of our country. Nepal is strategic importance country. If China remains silent, in this condition, we have nothing to say. We have to do our best.

When the Chinese President arrived in Nepal, perhaps he was already learned that Oli is working for westerns; So he said that China would crush bones of those who wants’ to harm the China. It was a challenge to the United States as well as to the government of Nepal. We also know the history of the Khampa revolution in Nepal. It was to trap the China. Activities against China should not be allowed in our country. Chinese president should not tell such challenging language in Nepal. Maybe Oli is trying to teach lesson him by passing MCC. It is not good. The US needs a way to enter in Nepal, so 500 million has given like sugar to fly. We can become prosperous only by using the resources of our country. Any other country in the world was made rich by the people of that country and not anyone else. The government of Nepal is the government of the sovereign country. It might even say they don’t need US assistance. The MCC should not be allowed to pass by any means.

Dhurba Giri, Editor: Danfe TV.com photo by Danfe TV.com


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