Sekhar Golchha FNCCI President in waiting

Sekhar Golchha FNCCI President in waiting

The Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI), umbrella organization of the industrialists and businessmen in the country, has failed to call its special national convention, which has pave the way for Senior Vice President Sekhar Golchha to succeed President Bhawani Rana from the upcoming national convention.

A section of the FNCCI leaders had tried to amend the statute of FNCCI with the provision of directly elected President, which could stop Golchha from becoming the next President if the statute was amended by the special national convention.

Earlier, there was the provision of directly elected president, however, the previous national convention, to avoid groupism and division of the business leaders, had amended the statute by incorporating the provision of the senior vice president will automatically become the president after completion of the tenure of the sitting president. In accordance to the amended provision, Bhawani Rana, senior vice president under the presidentship of Pashupati Murarka, had become the FNCCI President.

People’s News Monitoring Service


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