Welcome to China, Taylor Swift!

aylor Swift fans in China rejoiced when the news hit that the US singer will perform at e-commerce giant Alibaba’s Singles’ Day gala in Shanghai on November 10 and attend a fan meet in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangdong Province later that same month.

However, some media outlets in the West, such as those from Billboard and The Hollywood Reporter have tried to link the tour with recent NBA tensions and the controversial animated show South Park, which has made many Chinese uncomfortable and even unhappy. Their reports even accused A-list stars who try to “please Chinese consumers” of only caring about money.

The news of the visit by Swift, who is called Meimei by her millions of Chinese followers, has remained a trending topic on China’s Twitter-like Sina Weibo. This comes as no surprise as she is one of the most beloved pop singers in China, where she has more than 8 million followers on Sina Weibo.

These followers have been looking forward to Swift’s next China tour since her last visit four years ago. They have been doing all they can to help and support their idol, including buying her new album Lover, which set a new weekly record of 1 million copies sold in China after its debut in late August.

Due to her high popularity and great influence in China, it is only natural and reasonable that Alibaba would invite Swift to China and she said yes. This will be a great opportunity for Chinese followers to meet their favorite idol, which is no different from any other star’s world tour. Therefore, there is no point for Western media to attempt to hijack Swift’s visit and turn it into a trap to set up China and its people.

If you want to see the thoughts of those that truly matter, Swift’s followers have already spoken up.

“Chinese swifties receiving the recognition they deserve #ARIAsTaylorSwift,” says a reply from user Love, Aida.

One more reply from user Swiftie in China says: “She comes to China just for her fans ❤.”

The post goes on to call Swift the “Queen of China.”

We sincerely hope that Meimei can enjoy her stay in China and present a wonderful performance for her followers to enjoy.

[Taylor Swift, Cover Image: IC]


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