Tibet establishes first ever league of women intellectuals to empower females

Tibet establishes first ever league of women intellectuals to empower females

The Tibet Autonomous Region established the League of Women Intellectuals on Sunday. It is the first social organization initiated by women intellectuals from all walks of life in the region, which aims to further unify and empower women, and develop Tibet’s social stability and economy.

“The establishment of the league marks that the women intellectuals in Tibet have a platform to communicate with each other. In the future, I hope that the league can take the lead and set a good example for more women in Tibet,” said Gyatso Lhamo, chairman of the Women’s Federation of the Tibet Autonomous Region, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Sunday.

The league is made up of 77 women intellectuals, with 10 holding doctorate degrees, more than 30 holding master degrees and at least 10 having studied abroad.

The members are top experts in fields of social science, natural science, healthcare, law and media, the first president of the league Penpa Lhamo told the Global Times .

After 60 years of democratic reform in Tibet, the educational level of local women and children has continually improved. The levels of ordinary higher education, graduate education and adult higher education are all above 50 percent.

“We are the greatest beneficiary of the national policy of gender equality. Our generation has accepted good education and caught up the extraordinary opportunities which our grandmothers had not had. As a result, we could say we are the lucky dog of the era,” Penpa Lhamo told the Global Times and encouraged the members of the league to drive other women intellectuals in Tibet play better and more contributive roles.

A woman prays in front of the Potala Palace in Lhasa on August 27, 2018. [Cover Image: VCG]


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