Silk Road Youth Forum: China Nepal Youth Co-operation Conference held in Kathmandu

Silk Road Youth Forum: China Nepal Youth Co-operation Conference was organized by Silk Road Youth Forum coordinated by Sino-Nepal Media Society, co-organizers by Institute of the Belt and Road Initiative, Tsinghua University, Nepal Cultural & Tourism Promotion Society and so on in Kathmandu. On the conference, Ishwor Pokhrel was the Chief Guest.

The Vice President and General Secretary of the Silk Road Youth Forum Mr. Yang Dongping opened the conference by his speech. On this conference Nepalese Ambassador to China, Leela Mani Poudyal gave speech on China’s progress and prosperity. He told the plan of Nepalese government and linked with BRI. The Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Ishwor Pokhrel expressed the mutual relation between Nepal-China relations. Even to make the relation more strong and the visit of Chinese president Xi Jinping will be the limestone in the history. He remembered the speech of President Xi that now Nepal not remain landlocked country anymore and entered in the land-linked. He promised to move ahead as the relation developed much mutual than before. The conclusion of the government is to take the friendship between two countries will take long way. People to people relation will not be only the slogan; the youth must work for the result, he inspired. We faced long civil war and the critical problem, that’s why we want to develop the every sector.

In the conference representatives of the Youths of two countries Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Dr. Lu Yang, Mr. Milan Tuladhar, Dr. Yu Xiao, Dr. Kalyan Roka, Dr. Balmukunda Regmi and others shared their thoughts in different aspects.



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