Iran warns against Israeli presence in Gulf

Iran warns against Israeli presence in Gulf

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has warned against any Israeli presence in the Gulf region, Press TV reported Monday.

“Any presence of the Zionist regime (of Israel) in the Gulf waters is illegal, as it may result in war and confrontation in the region,” Alireza Tangsiri, the navy commander of IRGC, said on Sunday.

“The United States and the United Kingdom must assume responsibility for the Zionist regime’s illegal presence in the Gulf waters,” Tangsiri noted.

The remarks by the IRGC commander followed recent inclination of Israel to join a U.S. plan to establish a military coalition to boost security in the Gulf.

Tensions in the region have been rising recently following the seizure of a British oil tanker by Iran in the strategic Strait of Hormuz and drone confrontations between Iran and the United States over the Gulf.


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