5G to reach over half the world’s population by 2025, says Huawei

5G to reach over half the world’s population by 2025, says Huawei

China’s tech giant Huawei predicts that 5G networks will cover 58 percent of the world’s population by 2025, and that intelligent domestic robots will serve 14 percent families, according to the company’s Global Industry Vision 2025 report.

The report details 10 trends from 17 major industries that are shaping the future, including traffic management, retail sales, finance, and manufacturing.

“The intelligent world is close enough to touch,” says the report. Apart from the wide use of 5G technology and intelligent domestic robots, by 2025 the percentage of companies using augmented or virtual reality technology will increase to 10 percent. The report also says that 97 percent of large companies will be using artificial intelligence in their services or operations.

According to Huawei, the adoption rate of intelligent personal digital assistants will reach 90 percent, vehicle networking technology will be installed in 15 percent of the world’s vehicles, industrial robots will work side-by-side with people in manufacturing, 85 percent of business applications will be cloud-based, and the amount of global data produced annually will reach 180 ZB.


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