Pakistan celebrates the founding of the PLA

Pakistan celebrates the founding of the PLA

Today marks the 92nd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA). Founded on August 1, 1927, it has a great history of achievements across the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the liberation of China, and the socioeconomic development of the country after liberation. With 2.2 million members, it is one of the largest armed forces in the world.

Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee of Pakistan, General Zubair Mahmood Hayat(C), and Chinese ambassador to Pakistan, Yao Jing(next right) and other guests pose for a photo at an event celebrating the PLA Day in Islamabad, July 22, 2019. [Photo: China Plus/Muhammad Khan]

As well as being responsible for defending China’s security, the PLA contributes to the nation’s economy and social development. Under the leadership of China’s President Xi Jinping, the PLA has emerged as a modern and well-equipped organization ready to face the challenges of the times. It manages universities and research centers that are a major source of high-quality research and development, including of civilian and commercial technology. It provides state-of-the-art health facilities throughout the country. It plays a role in industrialization and enterprise management. And in the early years after China’s liberation in 1949, the PLA even played a role in the agricultural sector to provide the country with food security. The PLA clearly understands its social responsibilities and the need to help society develop.

The PLA also promotes world peace: It is one of the major sources of United Nations peacekeeping forces, having completed several peacekeeping missions around the world. It also provides training and consulting services to developing countries so they can be self-reliant.

Every year on August 1, PLA Day is enthusiastically celebrated in China, with many activities held across the country. As a close friend of China, Pakistan also recognizes the importance of PLA Day. This is why on July 22, PLA Day was celebrated in Pakistan at an event organized by China’s embassy in Islamabad that was attended by senior officials from Pakistan’s armed forces and the Chinese diplomatic and business community in Pakistan.

The PLA and the armed forces of Pakistan have a long friendship. General Geng Biao, who was China’s ambassador to Pakistan from 1956 to 1959, is one of the architects of the Pakistan-China friendship, having established strong ties between the armed forces of these two neighbors. He was appointed ambassador at a time when Pakistan was governed by the military: Presidents Sikandar Mirza and Ayub Khan both had army backgrounds. General Geng got along very well with the Pakistani leadership at that time, and the armed forces of the two countries strongly supported each other.

The armed forces in Pakistan share similar responsibilities as the PLA. As well as being responsible for national security, Pakistan’s army manages schools, colleges, and universities, providing quality education to the people of Pakistan. They also oversee a chain of good hospitals across the country, offering healthcare to the people of Pakistan. The armed forces are always there to rescue individuals after disasters such as earthquakes, floods, fires, or acts of terrorism. And the enterprises of the armed forces help support the national economy.

Relations between the armed forces of China and Pakistan are exemplary and complementary. We have training exchange programs as well as joint military exercises, and frequent goodwill visits and sports activities between the two forces provide opportunities to promote mutual understanding. These ties between the two armed forces are the backbone of relations between the two countries.

Rapidly changing geopolitics, especially in this region, makes it even more important to strengthen the relations between the forces of our two countries. For example, Pakistan’s army provides support to Chinese nationals and their interest in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

Pakistan is proud to have a neighbor and a friend like China. Our collaboration is in the name of peace, harmony, and prosperity. With the passage of time, collaboration between the two forces will be further strengthened, ensuring the security and stability of the region.

By Zamir Ahmed Awan

Zamir Ahmed Awan is a professor at the National University of Sciences and Technology in Islamabad. He’s also a non-resident fellow at the Center for China and Globalization in Beijing.


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