Short video series reveals secrets of cultural relic repair

Central China’s Hunan Museum released a series of micro-videos on the restoration of cultural relics on Saturday, to celebrate this year’s Cultural and Natural Heritage Day.

The series contains five episodes, with each lasting about three minutes on the unique repair techniques of five different kinds of cultural relics, including bronze wares, pottery and porcelain, lacquer wares, silks, and scripts and paintings.

A screenshot of the micro-videos on the restoration of cultural relics released by Central China's Hunan Museum. [Photo: China Plus]

Wu Di, head of the Information Center at the museum, said spreading the knowledge of cultural relic restoration and preservation using the Internet and new communication technologies helps reach a wider audience.

The first episode of the weekly series made its debut on Saturday. Viewers have multiple ways to watch the videos — the museum’s website, Sina Weibo, WeChat, and other video platforms.


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