TIA international hub of criminals, smugglers

There are above three dozen government agencies deployed at the Tribhuvan International Airport. Are they doing their duty properly or are they all in a money making spree?
Last week, nearly 80 million worth fake Indian currency was recovered by the Nepal Customs Office and the Police from TIA. Six persons, including notorious Unis Anshari were arrested on the charge of dealing in fake Indian currency. This incident has given a strong evidence for the Indians to blame Nepal as a hub for smuggling fake Indian currency.
This is an example that the Nepali security organs have been failed to keep TIA under any strong security mechanism.
This is the third time Ansari has been arrested red-handed. Earlier too, he was arrested while dealing with fake Indian currency and drugs and he has spent several years in jail.
His arrest for the third time proves that he is still in the fake currency deal and he has a strong network in importing fake Indian currency and supplying them to the Indian cities. Without a strong setting at TIA, it is impossible to conduct smuggling business from there.
There are security lapses at TIA. If the government cannot check such lapses, there is the possibility of using TIA by international terrorist groups taking benefit of such security loopholes there. Furthermore, the government has to respect the security sensitiveness of neighbouring countries. With open borders with our southern neighbour, there is a high possibility of using Nepali soil by international terrorist groups against India as well as against our northern neighbor China. To end such possible threats of terrorism, Nepal and India should be ready to regulate their international borders.
Understandably, TIA has become a hub for smuggling as the security, immigration and customs officials are being deployed there on the basis of commission they provide to the political leaders and senior officials. When such officials are deployed there by taking commission in advance, obviously, the intention of the concerned officials will be to earn money even if they have to work with criminals. If the government is unable to correct such a practice and if it fails to deploy obedient, disciplined and honest officials, anytime, the country may become a victim of international terrorism.

Reproduced from People’s Review


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