Iran warns of US increasing military presence in Mideast

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Saturday that the US decision to deploy additional troops to the Middle East region is “dangerous,” Iran’s state TV reported.

“Increased US military presence in our region is extremely dangerous and it threatens international peace and security,” Zarif was quoted as saying.

Such a move by the United States should be addressed by the international community, Zarif made the remarks a day after the US President Donald Trump announced sending 1,500 more troops to the Middle East.

On May 5, Washington announced deployment of the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier group and a bomber task force to the region adjacent to Iran’s southern waters.

The US National Security Adviser, John Bolton, said then that the US forces were deployed for protective measures against any “attack on United States’ interests or on those of our allies.”

The US officials have made such allegations, based on “fake intelligence,” to justify their “hostile” policies towards the Islamic republic and to raise tensions in the region, Zarif said on Saturday.


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