Asian Community with a shared future

— Prem Sagar Poudel

Right Honorable President Xi Jinping while visiting the capital of Russia – Moscow, on 23 March 2013, put forward for the first time the concept of building a ‘Community for shared future for Mankind’ within the world community. This concept has the ability to create distinguished community through the concept of Belt and Road initiative to Create fate and future of mankind of the world, mutual benefit and mutual respect, continuity and creativity as well equal identity and equal objective of the mankind of world, I would like to respectfully salute creator of this concept as well guardian and the great leader of the world community- Comrade Xi Jinping.

The concept of Comrade Xi Jinping is warmly welcome by the world community and the support is achieving continuously one after another. After the inclusion of this concept in the constitution of China through 13th National People’s Congress, it got the clear vision of foreign policy. After the constitution amendment in 1982, this is the first amendment in foreign policy of China. Through this amendment, China has made changes in his foreign policy that could be able to lead the world community together from keeping peaceful co-existence and non-interference policy of any countries’ internal affairs and China becoming one of the responsible guardian and partner of the world affairs. In this way, China’s diplomacy is people’s oriented and rises above the country intent. It is mentionable that the United Nations General Assembly, Security Council and Special Committee in their promises support the Comrade Xi Jinping’s Concept. This is very important and respectful matter for us.

Asia continent has the oldest history and prosperous civilization. Asia continent is prosperous in natural resources and historical heritages. Though, this continent’s mankind are suppressed, interfered and victim of division by the Western and behave with people like second class mankind. Westerns are interfering directly to eradicate our prosperous civilization and culture. Forwarding the so-called human right issues they are trying to separate us and conspire of war between us. They have captured in our natural resources and speeding the armed and non-armed encroachment. Our water, land, minerals and herbs are being controlled rigidly. It’s been making the world’s mankind community turbulent, interfered and unsecured, regional order and mutual relation is weakening. The wicked intention of Westerners is spreading towards in Asia as Iraq, Afghanistan from Venezuela and so on.

On the other hand, we have another country which thinks their national interest is world interest who suppress, dominate and direct interfere to weak and small countries, and misuse natural resources of such countries and in the name of so-called human rights America has open attack to their civilization and culture . Now, American’s interest is open secret among the World human community. The recent time, America step in Asia through the Indo-Pacific Strategy with armed forces and unarmed both way is to control the resources and destroy the Easterner’s prosperous civilization. American policy is to destroy the culture and civilization of the mankind of world community, and capturing resources forcefully and this policy of America is against our fate, future and right. On the other hand, Comrade Xi Jinping has presented the concept of “Belt and Road Initiative” for achieving shared goal and civilization, culture, identity of mankind of the world community. This concept assures the fate and future of mankind of the world community’s and along with the strategic goal to create the community to achieve common objectives. The presenting conception of the Belt and Road Initiative by the Great Leader Xi Jinping is the common conception and goal of developing countries, especially neighbours of China and World human communities too. It will search the victory-help and peaceful co-existence to the Western Power in National system. I’ve repeatedly speaking Belt and Road Initiative is not only the conception, it is the system that leads mankind and communities of the world together as a garlands to create own fate and future, equality, co-existence, mutual trust and unity towards bright and happy future. All who participate in this system will feel and see the own common fate, co-existence, equality and successful future. The conception is bearing the bright and prosperous dream of undiscriminating world as “One World One Family” and ascertains the trust along with. The conception is based on the natural justice, equality and co-existence.

In my understanding, three point policies will be important for the shared future of mankind community. They are Mutual benefit or mutual respect, continuation and creativity, equal identity and equal goal. For creating to achieve common goal of mankind community of developing countries, special neighbours who participated in Belt and Road Initiative project are the natural partners. These nations are united and will be for the mutual benefits and mutual respects. In the meantime, having lots of differences between us, gathering with the national system of China will search victory against Western Power and help and peaceful co-existence as well. The meaning of continuation and creativity is to follow the International theory and law that we determine and establish modern international relation. Every nation will be encourage getting victory over their fate and encourage establishing international relation with win-win co-operation. For the achievement of equal identity and equal goal, between the socialists nations and emerging powers establish a community for common future and for the achievement of strategic goal manage a new international system which will be balance and durable. There is no doubt, for the nations, civilization, identity and bright future to mankind of the world is focusing their mutual help and faith increase to create common future of the community. These countries linked with Belt and Road Initiatives have the relation of nail and flesh besides increase the exchanges of help. China physically has gone beyond the own national interest, which raises her height. This is very meaningful and the matter of pride. Present structure of the world is based on the suppression and exploitation to the small and poor countries by the big and rich countries. China has been playing important role through own conception and vision to imply to change the current structures of the world. The parental role on equality and co-existence of China is very suitable because nations like Nepal and many countries are backward in the matter of development in the world.

The agreement between Nepal and China reflected the fate of Nepal and Nepalese destiny and future. Nepal became free from India’s landlocked circumstances formally after the long history. The first female President of Nepal, Bidhya Devi Bhandari, has written in the history of Nepal, her name in golden letters, and on the other hand Right Honorable President Xi Jinping playing a parental role for Nepal has become successful to reside in the heart of every patriotic Nepali person to make Nepal free, strong and self depend. 29th of April, 2019 is a golden day for Nepal become to write her fate and future oneself and enter into a bright new era. Right Honorable President Bidya Devi Bhandari in her Official visit in China and her Chinese counterparts Right Honorable President Xi Jinping, during the bilateral meeting On 29 April 2019, both sides attended the bilateral meeting at the Great Hall of the People and the agreement transit and transport agreement between Nepal and China, transfers and assistance for the maintenance and submission of existing projects made by Chinese cooperation, economic and technical cooperation agreement and cooperation in the areas of livelihood in northern Nepal, mutual administrative cooperation regarding customs, the signing of cooperation agreement between the Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology and Standardization Administration of China, preventing theft, clandestine excavation and ban of illicit import and export of cultural property. With regard to the belief that, a family relationship between Nepal and China will play an important role in regional order, world-brotherhood, human progress and the shared future of mankind.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has been raised as a great leader and guardian. “Belt and Road Initiative” is not the project only that he has taken forward, but it is becoming a new system of transition of the whole Asia-Europe and Africa together, transforming the future of the human being as well. Comrade Xi system called “One Belt One Road” will create “one world one family, building a happy, prosperous and energetic society, building the win-win environment between different countries and human communities for developing mutual co-operation and reliability. Therefore, the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese Government, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the responsible officials of China, and the great Chinese People should adopt the feeling of equality, brotherhood, co-existence, development and win-win behavior in the practical life, by removing ego and discrimination to include the people all over the world. From my personal, institution and Nepalese people, salute the great leader and guardian Right Honorable President Comrade Xi Jinping and the Chinese people for supporting and standing with him with great honorably.


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