China shows maximum sincerity, but trade deal requires joint efforts: MOC

Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesman Gao Feng. [File Photo: IC]

China has been pushing forward the trade talks with the United States with great sincerity, and hopes the U.S. side can meet China halfway and solve existing problems in a rational, pragmatic manner, a spokesperson with the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Thursday.

“[We] hope that the U.S. side can meet China halfway, accommodate each other’s core concerns and adopt a rational and pragmatic attitude in solving existing problems,” spokesperson Gao Feng said at a regular press conference.

Ahead of the 11th round of high-level economic and trade consultations arranged for Thursday and Friday, the United States announced that it would raise tariffs on 200 billion U.S. dollars worth of Chinese goods from 10 percent to 25 percent as of Friday.

“It is the expectation of the whole world that China and the United States can properly solve economic and trade issues,” Gao said.

Although the U.S. side threatened to raise tariffs, the Chinese team went to the United States as planned for the new round of consultations, showing to the greatest extent China’s sincerity and goodwill in pushing forward the talks, he added.

“[We] hope that the U.S. side will work with China to push for new progress in the consultations,” Gao said, adding that China values its credibility and keeps its promises, and this has never changed.

Reaching an agreement requires joint efforts from both sides, Gao said, stressing that China hopes to reach a mutually beneficial agreement on the basis of equality and mutual respect.

China is willing to carry out candid and in-depth exchanges with the U.S. side on existing differences, Gao said. “Cooperation is always the best choice for China and the United States, and consultation is the right way to solve problems.”

Gao said China’s stance and attitude towards the U.S. planned tariff hikes are consistent and clear. “We oppose a unilateral tariff hike. There is no winner in a trade war, which is against the interests of China, the United States and the world.”

If the U.S. side puts the tariff measures into effect, China will be forced to take necessary countermeasures, Gao said.

“China is fully prepared, determined and able to safeguard its own legitimate rights and interests.”


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