Nearly 45,000 people march on International Labor Day in Mozambique

About 45,000 Mozambican people marched on Wednesday in Maputo, marking the International Labor Day.

Speaking to the press, Samuel Matsinhe, a senior member of the Mozambican Workers’ Organization, said the minimum wages in force in the country are far below meeting the basic needs of the workers and their families.

“As we calculated, each month a family needs 18,000 meticais (about 300 US dollars) for basic groceries, if the minimum wage in the country is still at 4,300 meticais, then just imagine how can a worker with his family live,” said Matsinhe.

In a greeting message on Wednesday for the International Labor Day, President Filipe Nyusi said that the government will continue to improve decent work conditions by promoting fundamental principles and rights.

“Promoting the dignity of workers is a necessary condition for increasing production, productivity and promoting the competitiveness of the economy,” said the president.

Nyusi said the celebration of the day will be a moment of reflection on the needs to fight for labor rights, to incorporate the duty and to promote a culture of work, because only with work will people achieve prosperity.


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