4 Tianjin security officials investigated for involvement with crime gangs

Source:Global Times

Former Tianjin police chief Wu Changshun (right front) answers questions from citizens at a public Q&A session. It was announced on July 20, 2014 that he was being probed for corruption. Photo: CFP

A total of 17 cases of corruption by mafia-style gangs involving four directors of Tianjin public security branches have been investigated, according to the Tianjin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection (TCDI).

Liu Zirang, former director of the Beichen branch of the public security bureau, North China’s Tianjin Municipality, is alleged to have accepted bribes from Yan Jin, head of a Tianjin criminal organization, and of helping him and his partners escape criminal prosecution. Liu was also accused of other serious violations of discipline and crimes and is currently under investigation, TCDI reported.

Yan and his underworld organization allegedly committed a number of crimes including mass fighting, illegal detention, robbery, forced transaction and obstruction of testimony. The Tianjin public security authorities cracked down on Yan’s gangs and detained 112 suspects in 2018, Xinhua News Agency reported.

Wu Changshun, a former director of the Tianjin municipal public security bureau, was given a suspended death sentence on corruption charges in 2017. He was convicted of bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power, according to Xinhua.

TCDI has investigated 97 cases in Tianjin related to mafia-style gangs and corruption, involving 229 people. Among them, 84 people were charged with helping gangs evade the law and 107 people were charged with failing to fulfill their duties. The crackdown on crime in Tianjin is making gradual progress, according to TCDI.


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