Submissions open for “On the Road” photo competition

CRI Online puts out a call for photos for its "On the Road" photo competition

CRI Online put out a call for submissions for its “On the Road” photo competition at its official launch on Thursday.

The competition is calling for photos that capture the essence of life along the Belt and Road, the new routes for trade and communication along the centuries-old Silk Road that connects China with the world. The images should capture the spirit of friendship, cultural exchange, and trade that the Belt and Road represents, or the culture and lives of the people who live along the routes.

Submissions will be open until March 28. This will be followed by a selection process that includes expert reviews and online voting. The winners of the competition will be announced on April 10.

People from around the world are encouraged to email their entries to The full terms and conditions for the competition can be found at

How to participate:

We’re calling for photos that capture the essence of life along the Belt and Road, the new routes for trade and communication along the old Silk Road that connects China with the world.

For centuries, people from different nations and cultures and who spoke different languages met along the ancient Silk Road to trade and to share their knowledge.

In the time before cameras, countless sunsets, feasts, and festivals came and went, and the images of these encounters were lost to history.

But now, as trains run regularly across Asia from China to Europe and fully-loaded container ships pass through the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, we have the opportunity to capture the sights of the Silk Road reborn.

Whether you’re at a port, a train station, a busy construction site, or a marketplace, grab a camera and capture a moment that represents the spirit of Silk Road.

1. Call for submissions

Submissions open on February 28 and close on March 28, 2019

2. The theme for the photographic works is “On the Road”.

3. Requirements for the photos

a. The images must be original digital photographs produced by you.

b. You can submit a single photo or a group of photos. If you submit a group of photos, there should be at least three and no more than 10.

c. The photos can be taken using a camera or a mobile phone.

d. The photos can be in color or black-and-white.

e. The photos should be submitted in JPEG format.

f. For each photo, please provide us with the photographer’s name, nationality, contact information, the location where the photo was taken, a title for the picture, and a caption of less than 150 words.

g. You can choose to submit a short essay on the theme “Stories behind the Photos”. This is optional, and there is no limit on the number of words for this essay.

4. How to submit your photos

Please email us your submission no later than 11.59 p.m. on March 28, 2019 to

6. Selection process and awards and prizes

In accordance with the principle of openness, fairness, and equality, a combination of a jury of experts and online voting will be used to select the best entrants.

The winning works will be compiled into a printed “On the Road” photo album. They will also be displayed on China Radio International’s online platforms.

The awards and prizes are as follows:

a. 10 grand prizes: Winners will be awarded certificates and be invited to participate in an award ceremony in China.

b. 100 prizes for excellence: Winners will receive award certificates, along with prizes including products made by the Palace Museum, silk scarves, panda-themed embroideries, and e-book readers.

3. Authors of “Stories behind the Photos” essays will receive an additional prize if their photos win a prize.

7. Other competition rules

a. By submitting your work you grant China Radio International, or a third-party engaged by China Radio International, the right to use the content of your submission without charge. This includes the right to publically exhibit and/or republish the images.

b. The photos you submit can be post-processed using photo editing software but only as far as it doesn’t significantly alter the image. Pixels must not be added into the images, or manipulated in any way that affects the authenticity and accuracy of the image.

c. If you are found to have plagiarized another person’s work, you will be disqualified from the competition.

d. There is no charge for taking part in this competition.

8. For more information

If you have questions or comments about this competition, please email us at


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