8588 meters! The deepest oil well on land in Asia

The Shunbeiying No. 1 well has a depth of 8588 meters. [Photo: CCTV]

China Petrochemical Corp. (Sinopec Group) announced Monday that it has completed an 8588 meter oil well in the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; the deepest land oil well in Asia.

As Shunbei oil and gas field is buried over 8000 meters underground. It is difficult to drill due to the complex geological structure and high temperature. Engineers at Sinopec developed tools to reduce friction, improve accuracy and optimize drill orbit. Now, Chinese companies have mastered the drill technology for extra-deep wells.

The world’s deepest oil well stretches 12869 meters, located in North Siberia, Russia.

The Shunbeiying No. 1 well has a depth of 8588 meters. [Photo: CCTV]

An engineer works at Shunbei oil and gas field in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. [Photo: CCTV]


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