British AI robot draws human portraits

The head of "Ai-Da," a humanoid robot capable of drawing people's likenesses, in the offices of robotics company Engineered Arts, in Falmouth, UK, February 7, 2019. [Photo via VCG/Matthew Stock]

A British art engineering company has created, what it claims, is the world’s first artificial intelligence robot capable of drawing people’s likenesses, reports Reuters.

Named after British mathematician and computer pioneer Ada Locelace, “Ai-Da” is said to be able to draw people by sight with a pencil via its bionic hand.

Designers say “Ai-Da” uses cameras in its eyeballs which are capible of recognizing human features.

Designed and built by Engineered Arts in the UK, “Ai-Da’s” creators are planning to adapt the technology to a “RoboThespian” body, which engineers say will have expressive movements. The robot will also have the ability to talk and answer questions.

“RoboThespian is the ultimate acting humanoid designed for human interaction in a public environment,” according to a statement from Engineered Arts.

Rubberised head of "Ai-Da," a humanoid AI robot capable of drawing people's likenesses, being given lifelike features by Mike Humphrey, a specialist at robotics company Engineered Arts, Falmouth, UK, February 7, 2019. [Photo via VCG/Matthew Stock]

British gallery owner Aidan Meller, who is overseeing the final stages of “Ai-Da’s” construction, says the robot is both incredibly compelling to look at, as well as engage with. To make the robot seem life-like, its makers are using “Mesmer” technology to give “Ai-Da” human-like expressions. Once finished, the robot will also be given a mixed-race appearance through its silicone skin, as well as 3D printed teeth and gums.

Engineered Arts also says “Ai-Da” will be presenting its drawings at its inaugural exhibition, “Unsecured Futures,” at an event at University of Oxford sometime in May.


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