‘Does not hold water,’ China rebuts U.S. travel advisory

From January to November 2018, 2.3 million people traveled from the United States to China.[Photo:VCG]

China’s foreign ministry rebutted the recently updated U.S. travel advisory which urges American nationals to “exercise increased caution” when travelling in China, saying it “does not hold water”.

“China always welcomes foreign citizens, including U.S. citizens, to visit China, and protects their security and legal rights, including freedom of entry and exit,” China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang told a press briefing on Friday.

The U.S. State Department issued a travel advisory on Thursday, warning visitors to China that they are at risk as the Chinese government may take exit bans to prohibit them from leaving the country.

“Frankly speaking, the travel advisory issued by the United States does not hold water,” Lu said.

Regarding a very slight number of foreigners suspected of violating laws and committing crimes in China, the Chinese authorities have always impartially handled cases in accordance with the law, and safeguarded their legal rights and interests, he added.

From January to November 2018, 2.3 million people traveled from the United States to China, said the spokesperson, adding that this meant 70 out of every 10,000 Americans visited China.

“This outnumbers the proportion of Chinese people visiting the United States,” Lu said. He said such figures could answer the question of whether China was safe for foreigners.

“We hope the U.S. side will make more efforts to promote exchanges and mutual trust between Chinese and U.S. people rather than the opposite,” he said.


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