Time travel in a painting

If you’ve always wanted to Photoshop yourself into a famous painting like “The Last Supper” or “The Scream”, now you can with ease, thanks to the work of a team at Cornell University.

A Twitter post of a man who has copied his image into the well-known paintings "The Scream", "Luncheon of the boating Party", "Creation of Adam", and "The Last Supper". [Screenshot: China Plus]

Researchers at the university have published a paper on the university’s arXiv platform on a new software tool they developed that allows users to copy an object from a photo into the image of a painting, and the software adapts the new image to match the brushwork of the painting.

The process of merging the two different images together. [Screenshot: China Plus]

The software, that the researchers provided a link to in their paper, creates the new image by assessing the patterns of the brushwork, and then applying it to the new object copied into the picture.

The process of merging the two different images together. [Screenshot: China Plus]

The researchers believe that their work opens up new possibilities for creatively editing and combining images in a way that might inspire future artists.


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