Almost one-third of young people in China experience cyber bullying


A blue paper released on Tuesday by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says that 30 percent of young people in China have experienced cyber bullying.

According to the paper, around three-quarters of the respondents to a survey reported being the target of insulting words or sarcasm, and around half had been sent malicious images or threatening words.

Social media platforms were the most common place where young people encountered cyber bullying, although some also experienced it on Internet message boards and on short videos sharing platforms.

The research showed that people who don’t live with their parents were more likely to be targets of abuse.

Young people who lack self-control were found to have a higher tendency to bully others.

More than 60 percent of young people chose to ignore abuse they receive online, and less than 10 percent report it to their parents or friends.

The paper also revealed that nearly 40 percent of college students follow the accounts of celebrities online. Thanks to China’s booming live-streaming industry, eight percent of young people tune in each day to watch celebrity live-streaming content.


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