George Bush’s service dog to be back at work after a Christmas break

Picture of Sully from his Instagram account. [Screenshot: China Plus]

The late George H.W. Bush’s service dog Sully is expected to be back at work helping other veterans after taking a short break in New York.

The two-year-old golden Labrador was assigned to former president George H.W. Bush in June to help him cope with his Parkinson’s disease and the death of his wife Barbara.

Sully’s trainer Valerie Cramer described her student as loyal, calm, and kind to children. Sully is named after the hero pilot Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger.

Picture of Sully from his Instagram account. [Screenshot: China Plus]

Cramer said the Bush family told her that Sully and the former president shared an incredible bond, and that Sully stayed with the president almost around the clock during his final days.

A picture of Sully lying in front of the late president’s casket went viral. The Instagram account dedicated to the dog has collected more than a quarter of a million followers.

Cramer said that one of the former president’s wishes was that after his death Sully would continue to serve by helping America’s veterans.

Sully will be enrolled as a service dog at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in February. Before then, he will spend time on Long Island brushing up on his training and learning some new skills that will be useful at Walter Reed.


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