America more aggressive to counter China !


—— Prem Sagar Poudel

I have been telling my Chinese friends about the past few years that Nepal is becoming a base of anti-China power and some of the political parties of Nepal are running by Anti-China Power Center’s support and design.

The anti-China activity started in the open-up along with Maoist participation in peace process. This sequence has reached the new height after the monarchy has been removed. Now, after the formation of two-thirds majority of the government by unification of the CPN-UML and CPN-Maoist, Nepal’s anti-China activities are being seen with a naked eye then.

This time I am writing, the visit of USA by the Foreign Minister of Nepal, Secretary of State Pompey met the Foreign Minister of Nepal Pradeep Gyanwali, and in relation to discussions of the main issues of the world, including North Korea, in the free, open, prosperous Indo Pacific between the two leaders.

In the meeting with Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyanwali on 18th December, US Foreign Minister Mike Pompey said that Nepal would have a central role in the “Indo-Pacific Strategy”. The free, open, prosperous and central role of Nepal in Indo-Pacific, including North Korea and some of the world’s main issues are discussed among the two leaders. The Nepalese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not mentioned the issue of discussion on political level between the two countries. The US side seems to have been open all over the matter than the Nepalese Foreign Ministry’s silence. It is not too hard to understand America’s invasion more aggressive to counter China as US wishes to join Nepal in the “Indian Pacific Strategy”.

US interest and tactics has given more priority than the past due to stop the expansion of China’s diplomatic, military, economic, commercial and cultural impact in Nepal. It can be understood that America has given more priority to counter the China. America has adopted this policy to decrease China influence on Indo Pacific after the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The main prioritization of the US President’s National Security Strategy is the Indo-Pacific region at this time. America’s growing interest in the Indo-Pacific region is found to be known as a siege against China.

After the Second World War, at the center of American strategic was centered in Atlantic Ocean where Europe on the other side. There was an American goal to stop influence the Soviet Union in West Europe. For this purpose, America also has a strategic deal with the European nations in the North Atlantic region. This was the return of the “NATO Military Organization” treaty organization. But, after the end of the Cold War, America became the sole supremacy of the world, and remained the superpower nation.

But in slowly, Nepal’s north front nation China began to come as a powerful nation as the United States. The Chinese influence was not in Atlantic; its influence was growing in Eastern Asian nations. The influence of Britain, France, etc was in East Asia where the influence of America as well after World War II. After increasing Chinese influence in this area, America started to strengthen its presence in the Pacific region to counter China, and started concentrating on building new strategy in Asia Pacific. Its main reason for East Asia and South East Asia to be its old influence area and becoming a financial center.

The then American President Barack Obama announced the first “Pacific President”. Not only announced, in the Obama administration, Asia Pacific area was given more emphasis on his tenure. After elected the president in the US Donald Trump has made the Indo-Pacific by modifying the strategy. By visiting Asia in 2017, President Trump gave this message that this region is in the centre of the US strategy.

The main objective of China’s forwarding of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is to spread connectivity and enhance economic activity in this area. This policy of China impacts the US to negate its strategic presence in this sector. Therefore, America has already embarked on Indo-Pacific Strategies to balance the impact of BRI. The countries located between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean, are North Asia, Oceania (Pacific region), Southeast Asia, South Asia to Eastern African region come under the Indo-Pacific Strategy. Under the BRI, China wants to add the world to the ocean and railways. The above mentioned countries linked with ocean silk and railway connections. Indian Pacific Ocean Territory is also the world’s busiest ocean route.

All this, as it is, is that America, as the world’s largest military force, wants not to lose the world’s busiest trading ocean’s route. Other countries like regional power are concerned about China’s growing economic and military power as well. Those countries are Japan, Australia, India and Southeast Asian nations. To address this concern, America seems to be particularly interested in adding Japan and Australia as “Free Indian Pacific Area”.

This is only, American idea to engage Japan and Australia with its tactical strategy as afraid with China. Furthermore, America has also told India’s “Act of East Policy” is to match with their Asia-Pacific policy. Its purpose is to keep India also linked with its strategic policy too. But New Delhi’s strategists have not fully joined Washington’s strategic partnership effort.

America is the second country in which Nepal established diplomatic relations after the United Kingdom. America has already been a tactical interest. It is clear that there is a lot of strategic interest of America in Nepal, to help fight against China by supporting the armed to Khampas rebellions who fled from Tibet and enter in Nepal. Because politics was “driving” all policy, it would have become American interest in Nepal’s politics simply. However, his interest was still in Nepali army. And, this interest is still continuing. But, during the meeting with Foreign Affairs Minister Gyanwali, what the US Foreign Minister Pompey raised up, he said, not only on military issues but also in political matters that American interest has increased equally.

At first the Nepali Army participated on some issues under the strategy of America. Vivek Kumar Shah, former vice-chief of the Nepalese Army, who is interested in defense and international relations, says: “Now the US seems to find a political level engagement for its strategic objective. After signing the so-called Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act, Nepal became important for America.”

The Nepali Army has participated in various types of programs organized by the “Asia-Pacific Commands” of America. America has named “Indo-Pacific Command” by changing its name from the “Asian-Pacific Command” situated at Hawai in America. With the command, Nepal has been cooperating with disaster rescue, management and peace-keeping army training. US vice-secretary of State Alice G. Wells told the Nepali journalists who had been in America last month that the US started paying a little attention to Nepal: “Nepal is in a fairly geo-strategic location, the role of Nepal will be important in the Indo-Pacific strategy.”

After looking at the Minister for Foreign Affairs Gyanwali, Washington has sought to make an “Indo-Pacific Strategy” an important partner, which was forward to counter China. In the control of Americans and the European Union, Nepal is firmly engaged. Americans and European Americans have constructed the Parallel government in Nepal using NGOs and NGOs and it is compiling every information from the ministry to the local body by making it medium. The program and plan is successful in making to be favorable. On the other hand, American forces are still operating in different positions and names in the Capital and Northern border areas of Nepal. America is making Nepal Army friendly in the name of Pacific. Similarly, providing adequate support to the alleged government of Dalai Lama as well. The question arises; will Nepal really join this American policy? As far as closely monitoring the activity going inside, there is no state of faith to Nepal. The activities of the party and its leaders, who claim to do politics in the name of the country and the people, seem to be more likely to make money for power and opportunity and commit any unpatriotic and disloyal activities.

The policy of American, European and Indian people in Nepal is crucial to facilitate the impact of their influence. The Americans and the European Union have provided guarantees for their security and secure future by helping Nepalese friends. Most people are supporting Americans and the European because of being important political or governmental positions, guarantee of the employment, and for protection in any case. On the contrary, China seems like a businessman in Nepal. The future of the supporters of China is not safe. China is incapable of protecting the supporters and does not help. It’s rumored that China alone sees own interest and never protect its supporters. Therefore, Western countries are easily getting success in Nepal. As a result, China’s investment has become like pouring water in the sand. China has not got the benefit according to investment.

For stability, development, peace, political stability, it is very important for China to establish the empowerment of the new force more efficiently. Also, China seems to be reconsidered with its neighbors. In addition, China should help her supporters directly and guarantee for the protection. If China could provide security for safe and secure future of Nepalese in Nepal, anti-China activity will be wasted in Nepal and the establishment of regional stability, development and peace will be appreciated heartily as the parental role of China.


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