Censure the meeting between Foreign Affairs Ministers & The “Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act”

Nepal-China Mutual Co-operation Society has released press statement on the “Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act” and Nepal’s vital role will be in “India-Pacific Strategy” as said American Foreign Minister Mike Pompey, after that the Society has response immediately and oppose the American dadaism and suggest the Nepal Government not to involve and support such agendas that violates the norms of Panchsheel (five principles of peaceful co-existence) Treaty.

The detail press statement of the Society is as follow:

The American White House has adopted the law called “Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act” passed by the Congress Senate and Representative Council, and approved it as a formal law of the United States. The “Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act” is also called a journey related to Tibet that is “Reciprocal Access to Tibet Travel”. Which is a serious interference in China’s internal affairs and the American Congress, despite the fact, is another step taken to stop China’s development.
According to the request of the so-called “Tibet Travel Reciprocal Access”, China government should give permission and access to US Journalist, diplomat and tourist to enter China’s Tibet. Otherwise, the Chinese officials who are against this act will be restricted to the entry into the US territory. The main purpose of this act is to give full access to the American people so that they can able to move freely to Tibet. But, in fact, America’s preliminary ideology is clearly reflected by the laws of America and American law is higher than that of the International Law.
Tibet is an integral part of China’s since ancient era. The American Congress approval of this act has not only been contrary to the fundamental rule of international relations between the countries, but it also has a serious intervention in China’s internal issues. We have a serious concern regarding the approval of this “Reciprocal Act” by The American White House and is passed by the Congress Senate and the Representative Council. We are seriously concerned and deeply worried about this kind of American step to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries. Apart from this, on 18th December, US Foreign Minister Mike Pompey in a meeting with Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyanwali, said that Nepal will play the central role in the “India-Pacific Strategy”, and both leaders freely, openly discussed regarding prosperous India- Pacific strategy and Nepal to have central Role in it, our serious concern has been focused on the discussions of global issues including North Korea. We strongly oppose such type of American move that extremely interfere with the other’s internal affairs.
We express our repent to Nepal-US Ministry level meeting that surely distress the historical bilateral and mutual relations between Nepal and China and has negative impact on regional peace and stability of this region, which ultimately disturbs the peace process and stability. We request Nepal Government not to involve and support such activities that disturb the peace and stability of this region.]

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