Neo-Nazi couple jailed in Britain

Adam Thomas and his partner Claudia Patatas gave their infant son the middle name Adolf - after Adolf Hitler. [Photoh: West Midlands police]

A British neo-Nazi couple who named their son after Adolf Hitler has been sentenced to several years in prison for membership of a terrorist group.
22-year-old Adam Thomas and 38-year-old Portuguese-born Claudia Patatas from a town in central England gave their infant son the middle name Adolf – after Adolf Hitler. They also taught their daughter to perform Nazi salutes.

The couple was found guilty for being members of National Action, a far-right neo-Nazi organization in the United Kingdom that was banned in 2016.
Thomas was sentenced to six years and six months in prison, while Patatas was given a five-year sentence. Four other defendants related to the far right group were sentenced to up to six years and four months in prison.
The British government banned National Action in December 2016. But anti-fascist campaigners Hope Not Hate estimated last year that the group still had 50 to 100 “hardcore members” and used several different names to mask its activities.


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