# Prem Sagar Poudel

China has always helped Nepal and Nepalese people altruistically. From our Nepalese perspective, Nepal and Nepalese’s most trusted and reliable country in the world is China. China has always said that all Nepalese are China’s friends. China has frequently spoken that China’s relationship and support are for all the common Nepalese not only for a single political party or group. Due to this policy, China has not interfered in Nepalese internal affairs. China’s foreign policy is based on co-existence, equality, and non-interference. The major reason not to interfere in Nepal’s internal affairs is China’s, this policy. Although we, Nepali could not give such behavior to China.
Present Nepal is not ancient Nepal. During the monarchy period, there were not allowed to do any Anti-Chinese Activities. But now, the main income source for Nepalese political party’s leaders is being Anti-Chinese Activities. Nepalese Prime Minister to most of the political party’s main leaders is involved in Anti-Chinese Activities. Nepal has been a playground for Chinese separators. All the activities are scattered, although some Nepal and China officials are very active and trying to cover such activities. They want to show their tenure is very peaceful and no sign of any Anti-Chinese Activities. If they do so, they have two benefits. First, they will get congratulations from high-level officers for showing no Anti-Chinese Activities during their tenure, and get promotions and transfer to a good place. Second, if they don’t show any Anti-Chinese Activities they get lots of facilities and financial benefits from Western Mission which is active in Nepal against China. That’s why, some officials and diplomats who come to the Chinese Embassy for Nepal, known as agents for Western Mission are trying to make relations with Nepalese countenance from time to time. I have had a bitter experience that some officials of the Chinese Embassy have threatened me not to write and speak about growing Anti-Chinese Activities in Nepal. Besides this, China’s help for Nepal has reached out directly to Anti-Chinese Activists. As a result, due to various reasons, China has not gotten any results as invested from their neighboring countries.
The scenes perceptible recently in Nepal are very terrible. For me who has spent more than 30 years of my life developing the Nepal-China relationship, it is a serious issue and a matter of worry. China invites to visit and respect those political leaders, agents, and persons who are involved in Anti-Chinese Activities, and why does China give priority solely to profit and such close-far behavior? Does China change its policy? As China says, Chinese support is for all the Nepalese not only for a single person or political party, if so, then who are those Nepalese? What types of Nepalese does China support? Nepalese people haven’t got such types of so many questions answered yet.
If China respect, invite China to visit, and continues the task of helping those people who are involved in Anti-Chinese Activities then why do only we take our life at risk? Why do we strictly follow the One-China Policy and stand against the Chinese Embassy’s opposed list? If China doesn’t like One-China Policy then why do we support it? Does China want Nepal as an Anti-Chinese fortress? There are so many serious questions raised. Now, it’s time to watch the behavior of China’s Nepal policy.
Published on November 15, 2016


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