China, Pakistan all-weather partnership to reach new heights

China and Pakistan pledged in Islambad on Saturday to push forward the all-weather strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries to a new high.

While meeting with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi hailed the smooth and successful general elections in Pakistan in July, saying China respects the choice made by the Pakistani people on their own will.

As Pakistan’s good friend, good partner and good neighbor, China will stand firmly with the Pakistani side, Wang said.

Stressing ties between China and Pakistan as all-weather strategic cooperative partnership, Wang said relations between the two countries have been established on the basis of long-term mutual understanding, mutual support and mutual trust beyond party differences and government changes.

China and Pakistan are “iron brothers” who have forged time-tested friendship, Wang said.

Noting that China highly appreciates the reaffirmation of Pakistan’s new government to continue taking the development of ties with China as the cornerstone of its foreign policy, Wang said China will also continue to take the development of ties with Pakistan as a priority in its foreign policy and neighborhood diplomacy.

China will firmly support Pakistan’s new government, help Pakistan in its efforts to realize new development targets, consolidate strategic mutual trust and strategic coordination and expedite the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), so as to elevate the level of all-round cooperation, deepen the friendship between the two peoples, push forward the all-weather strategic cooperative partnership to a new high and forge a closer China-Pakistan community of shared future, Wang added.

For his part, Qureshi said Pakistan and China are most reliable partners and friends, and their friendship will not be affected by the change of governments.

The new Pakistani government fully supports the unique Pakistan-China all-weather strategic cooperative partnership, and always views its relations with China as the cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policies, he said.

The Pakistani side has always been, and will be fully supportive to China’s core interests and issues of its major concern, the Pakistani foreign minister said.

On issues related to Pakistan’s national security and sovereignty, the Chinese side has also been standing with the Pakistani side as well, he added.

The Pakistani new government is now pushing forward an ambitious reform agenda, and is willing to learn from China’s experiences on economic development, poverty relief, disaster reduction, anti-corruption and environmental protection, among which the promotion of CPEC is the priority, Qureshi said.

Pakistan is also willing to work with China to strengthen anti-terrorism and defense, and intensify coordination and cooperation on multilateral occasions, in a bid to lift Pakistan-China all-weather strategic cooperative partnership to a new high, he added.

At a joint press conference after the meeting, the Chinese state councilor said the two sides have reached a 10-point consensus, including deepening strategic mutual trust, better pushing forward the construction of CPEC, developing bilateral trade in a balanced manner, vigorously promoting industrial capacity cooperation, and strengthening development and cooperation with an emphasis on people’s livelihood.

The two side also agreed to enhance cooperation on defense and security, increase experience exchanges on governance, expand cultural exchanges, cement cooperation on international and regional affairs, and build a closer China-Pakistan community of shared future.

Wang is paying an official visit to Pakistan from Friday to Sunday.


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